I promised to share some "good stuff" after the sadness we've all shared in recent blog posts. I received this email from DENNY HILL back in May, before I got busy trying to assist my ailing dad. DENNY sent a beautiful series of photographs taken of his summer home in Warsaw. I've requested he send me some in a format that I can reproduce on this blog. Unfortunately, he didn't send a picture of his latest acquisition, so I did a little surfing myself to get a facsimile. Here is his email:

Today I did a crazy and totally impractical thing. For $1,000 I bought a bicycle which looks like a replica of a custom motorcycle. It has a fat tire in back and an elongated front end, with a low, easy rider seat and high handlebars. It is imported from L.A., made by Schwinn, and more appropriate for riding on the beach. I tried it out, and found it is quite unstable at low speed, but rides fine a little faster. Of course, you have to pedal, and the mother is so heavy I could hardly get it up the one flight of stairs to my flat (Editor: apartment to us). But I can be sure that there is no other such in Warsaw. Thankfully, here it is quite flat, because it has no gears. But on the other hand, they have bike lanes along the sidewalks on most of the streets. It is my new toy."

Another classmate who seems to know how to enjoy life is DOTTIE BISHOP ROGERS.
Her most recent email first told me how sad the news of some of our classmates' health and family problems made her. She sends her heartfelt prayers to one and all. She went on to say the following:
"I think this is good news....I am returning to teaching.
I retired 8 years ago, but a need arose in a high school where my daughter and son-in-law teach, and they hired me. I will prepare sophomore students for the AIMS test. They must pass it before they graduate high school. I am kind of excited. Of course, Larry is gloomy gus, and my friends all feel my head to make sure I don't have a fever, but it will be fine. I have been very candid with them that I am not a 'long-term' teacher. One or two good years then I will be back to glorious retirement. I also told them up front that I will be gone a week in October as Larry is taking me to Hawaii."
Dottie added a humorous description of some of the vacation attire she purchased for that trip, but it may be a little risque for some of our readers!
One more note before I close. Our Class President, JAMES HAYS wants to know if any are interested in having a (scaled down) 55th class reunion at BHS Homecoming this year. Anyone interested, please let James know personally. And those of you who live near someone without an email address, please try to let them know about this. His email address is, as always:
I will probably be returning to Mineral Wells to help with my dad, and have only infrequent access to a computer. If something very important arises, please know I will do my best to let everyone know.
Until then... enjoy these years. We never know how many more we will be blessed with.
Peace and love,