It has been a while since I've posted here. I apologize for appearing to neglect our classmates. Especially as there have been some things happening that need our thoughts and prayers. I hope that my sending some of this information to you via email put prayers in action. Some of you let me know. I call you our "prayer warriors".
As you know, RODNEY FLANAGAN recently suffered a stroke in a doctor's office in Winters. This resulted in a brain bleed that placed him in ICU at Shannon Hospital in San Angelo. (Thanks to BOB BURTON for this information.) As of a week ago, he was out of the ICU, walking with some help. NANCY THOMPSON BAKER told me yesterday that he is now in the rehabilitation section of Shannon Hospital for assistance with the after-effects of a stroke.
DORIS and DON WHITE'S daughter's husband died recently in Colorado where they live. He apparently was found dead in the truck he was driving. As they have children, one of which is disabled, there was a Go Fund Me page set up for them. Unfortunately, I have been unable to find out the daughter's or her husband's name. Their last name is Marrow. If someone can get this information, I will certainly send the link to everyone.
JANETTE AMARINE BRADSHAW suffered a heart attack two or three weeks ago, but is out of the hospital and under home healthcare.
Sadly, today is the anniversary of NANCY THOMPSON BAKER's late husband Jake's death. We spoke yesterday and both told funny stories about Jake and their life together. The laughter felt good. Tomorrow would have been their 64th wedding anniversary.
NANCY also told me that her grandson Rei is slowly making progress from the brain injury he suffered on a skateboard fall. He is still unsure of where he is or what happened to him. He has a Go Fund Me page for the massive amount of medical bills. PRAYERS FOR REI
On a lighter note, BOB HOLLIS sent me the following email and photos. Thanks, BOB! ( And happy belated birthday!)
"Robert (Bob) & Margaret Hollis just returned from their 55th anniversary trip to Hawaii. Their kids and grandkids and great-granddaughter from Texas, Arizona, and California were there to enjoy the vacation also.
"Now that Covid 19 has subsided and our family members are all healthy, we traveled. I told the kids that we were spending their inheritance and trading money for memories, so they had better take good pictures."  |
"I hope youall and yours are doing well." Spoken like a true Texan, BOB. However, we usually shorten it to y'all!
I have been getting notices from Google that this blog is difficult to read on some devices as the print is too small. I'm experimenting with different sizes, etc. Let me know your feeling on this. Apparently, Google wants everything to be read on an iPhone - perhaps so they can get their ads in.
Hopefully, soon we will find out which medicine I've been on has caused the serious outbreaks I've been having. Imagine having hives on your face.. As I'm only on three, two are for breathing, it should not take too much longer!
I hope everyone out there has their COVID vaccinations and are in good health.
Praying for peace, love, and healing for those in need,