The following (Snips) are excerpts from emails I recently have received from DENNY HILL. These are in response to my request for information on your vacations. I suppose to some, their work is like a vacation. Such seems to be the case with Denny. If you want to know what kinds of "papers" of which he speaks, just Google "C. Denson Hill" and have your mind boggled! (Google to boggle!) He's in Berlin at the present time.
“I have two papers to finish up with my Polish friend, and a guy from New Zealand is also a coauthor. Then I have two other papers to complete, joint with my Italian friend and another German friend who now works in Sweden. The latter will come to Berlin next week so we can work together.
Basically I just spent my first week here concentrating on my German. That is easy since at the moment I have nobody to speak English with. It has been unusually warm here, so mostly I stay in my room during the day with German TV always on. Then around 9:30 or 10:00 pm I go out for supper and wind up in my favorite kneipe. For the last several nights, after a few beers, I wound up talking to some interesting local Germans. That is actually the best way to warm up my German.
In this part of Germany , you say tschuss! as a way of saying "goodbye", as you are leaving someone. But when you first see them, you would just say hallo!
In There is plenty to do here, but I am kind of lazy, so mostly when I am not working, or watching TV, I just like to hang out.”Tschuss!
Denny (June 6, 2008)
“Bush lands in
The new president of
Celine Dion is here, staying in some luxury hotel for about a month. She has been seen on the street enjoying the city, seeing the sights. She appears to be very relaxed, and happily talks to people she meets, like while having coffee or a snack at an outdoor caffee. She is giving a number of concerts here, Frankfurt,
That is the news from Berlin. (June 10, 2008)
"We finished at least a preliminary version of one paper, and now my collaborators in Italy are trying to finish another one. Later, when I return from Italy, my Polish collaborator will come to Berlin for a week, and hopefully we will finally submit another one, which we have worked on for almost 3 years."
EDITOR: Now for a few "snaps". Recently I thought it would be fun to photograph the houses some of you lived in when we were Freshmen in high school. I'm sorry, but I don't know how to find those of you who lived in the country. Anyway, let's see how many of you recognize your old homeplace -- or that of someone you ran around with or dated. I will only put about three on each blog post, so here are the first three. Remember, you can leave a comment by going to the bottom of this post and clicking on "Comments" or you may click on the time, right beside it. Also, by clicking on the photo itself, you can enlarge it. If you have difficulty, just email me with your answer to "who's house is it"??

I know I keep asking for prayers for those of our classmates whose health may be less than perfect. I also know that not everyone prays. However, if you do not wish to pray for whatever reason, just send some warm, loving thoughts to those in need. Picture them whole and healthy. The following is from one of my favorite little inspirational books, "A Cherokee Feast of Days":
"When we last saw Essie she had been ashen and without the strength we see in her now. Now she sits flat on the ground, legs straight out in front, and reeds tumble across her knees and lie around her. Nimble fingers seek the perfect one to start a basket. Essie is close to our hearts. She has our Grandmother's name. Her reticence does not inspire idle talk, so we ask what happened to change her. With a quick glance, she says, 'God heal.' 'Is it possible? So quickly and completely?' Hesitantly, she asks, 'You got fast oven?' I say I do. 'What make it work?' 'Why, microwaves -- energy. They change the molecules, the structure of the bread from cold to hot.' Seconds pass. She says, almost too softly, 'Prayer energy. Make me well.'"
Well, I believe, like Essie, that prayer energy "changes the molecules". So, keep sending all that loving prayer energy to JAMES HAYS, JERRY DAVIS, ROSALYN HOELSCHER, and IRENE BATTS.
You know, prayer energy is some of the "good stuff" that happens!
Well, I believe, like Essie, that prayer energy "changes the molecules". So, keep sending all that loving prayer energy to JAMES HAYS, JERRY DAVIS, ROSALYN HOELSCHER, and IRENE BATTS.
You know, prayer energy is some of the "good stuff" that happens!
Good stuff is right, Marilyn. I love your blogs.
ReplyDeleteDenny's letters from Germany are wonderful--I forgotten how many languages he actually speaks, but I know there are a lot of them.
By the way, I think the top right hand house in your blog is the one where I lived when I was a freshman--the house on 10th street. It looks much smaller than I remember, but then most things remembered nearly always turn out to be smaller, don't they. Let me know.
Thanks for your prayer requests--I of all people know the power of prayer, having personally experienced that power time and again.
James Hays sent the following:
ReplyDeleteHouse number 3 looks like 201 9th street which we built in the spring of 1950. If so, I planted the pecan trees in front of the house. I remember we lived there when the Korean war started in June of '50. We lived there for a few years until we remodeled the old farm house about 1955 and moved to the country for good.
The winner is...!!! June, you are absolutely right! That is your house on Tenth Street. The top right hand house.
ReplyDeleteAnd James, you are right! That is the house at 201 9th Street. The odd coincidence is that not only did I live with my Mother and Dad in that house for a short time in 1959, but the house I live in now is the one you lived in when you were 6 years old -- the first house your family lived in when they moved in off the farm. And then the last house you lived in before moving BACK to the farm!
Small world, isn't it? Or is it just that this is a small town??
PAUL MOTA shared the following with us about his vacation:
ReplyDeleteHi Marilyn,
I took about 5 days in Las Vegas in early June and there is NEVER a bad time in Vegas.
I had been feeling a little blah lately, we all do at times, so the trip was a nice distraction. The room at the Paris left nothing to be desired. Great view and great price.
Saw Elton John and relived a lot of memories from the 70s. He is on the same stage as Celine Dion used to be. Odd that someone just mentioned her being in Germany.
That is about all for here. In fairly good health and trying to make it to the next birthday.