GLENN SMITH submitted the following about his brush with the supernatural.
“JUNE HASH CURRY and TERRY COTHRAN have recently told stories on the blog of unusual experiences. Theirs reminded me of one that happened in September 1971.
I was living in Ames, Iowa. My dad had slowly become more and more debilitated as a result of Parkinson's disease. He'd had the condition for about ten years. Jerry and Shirley Eoff spent nearly every night for three and a half years helping my mom take care of him. During the final weeks he was in the nursing home in Ballinger.
I got a call from Dr. Chandler telling me that if I wanted to see him alive, I should make travel plans. The quickest flight arrived the next day at DFW around 7 a.m. where I was met by my nephew and his family. Somehow what is now just under a four hour drive took nearly eight that day. We sauntered for hours well under the speed limit, with numerous fuel and restroom stops. My nephew insisted on doing all the driving, despite my repeated offers, and he orchestrated a lengthy lunch break. A little south of Winters he finally heard the last of my three urgent requests to hurry.
We were indicating 80, on the way to a higher number, when I felt tension stop my breathing and pull my body erect. I entered a quiet zone of intense anxiety for maybe three to five minutes. Suddenly my whole body relaxed, as if a switch had been turned off. I exhaled, slumped in the seat, and heard my voice say: ‘You can slow down. It's too late.’
I looked at my watch and noted the exact time. (I was wearing a Bulova Accutron, the world's most accurate watch at the time, given to me by Jerry Eoff. He also wore one and he and I made a point of keeping them set as closely as possible to the atomic clock in Colorado.)
In front of the nursing home, Jerry walked slowly toward the car. He shook his head from side to side nearly imperceptibly. ‘What time?’ I asked. He pointed to the face of his watch at the exact time that I had noted in the car. ‘He thought you were there,’ he added.
I kept silent but almost said, ‘I don't think he thought I was there, but I know he knew I was with him.’ ~ GLENN
EDITOR: We probably all have a few stories tucked away in our memories of unusual or unexplained occurrences. Some might call one of mine just a coincidence.
When I was living in “The Barn” several years ago, I was going through a particularly tough time financially. I was headed to my little church for an evening class, feeling sorry for myself, and bemoaning my condition. I reached to turn on the radio, a sob catching in my throat as I cried out to God, “What am I to do?” Immediately, the song on the radio came through the speakers, “Get a job now, ta da da da da, Get a job now..” I burst out laughing and couldn’t wait to get to church to share this with my friends in class. We always mused over the different ways we are given spiritual messages. This was the most blatant of messages I received, and I must say I got busy the next day and went to apply for a job (again). God certainly has a sense of humor!
You’ve all heard the saying, “Be careful what you wish for”? During those same years in The Barn, I had a lot of lessons to learn. And a lot of “unusual” happenings to help me learn.
At one time I had put up a makeshift “desk” in a corner of the great room that consisted of a couple of small two-drawer filing cabinets painted white, and the top of a blue folding table bridged between them. It made a good temporary desk, but I needed the blue table for other things. Every time I went through that room on my way out the door, I would glance at that corner desk and say to myself, “I wish I had a real desk back there” or “I sure do need a desk.” This went on for weeks. One day my son Matthew called me and asked if I would like a desk. A friend of his worked for a big apartment complex, and people were always skipping out on their rent, leaving all kinds of furniture behind. I was thrilled to hear I would finally get a real desk!
That evening Matthew pulled up in his truck, and I went outside to help unload my “new” desk. My eyes got big and I started laughing like crazy. Matt asked why I was laughing. I said I wish I had asked for an oak desk. You guessed it.. The small desk he pulled out had white drawers on the bottom with a blue Formica top – the same color blue as my temporary desk top! I had “manifested” a new desk by looking at my old one over and over, and stating that I needed a new one. I guess that picture in my mind went out to the Universe.
“What you hold in your thoughts, you create in your world.” This is one of the reasons I try to keep negative thoughts and pictures out of my mind. And why I don’t like to receive negative emails or stories from folks. I was told once, "Your fears are as strong as your prayers."
Am I superstitious? Nahh.. just cautious. And definitely a Believer!
Have any similar stories you wish to share with us? Let me hear them!
'Til next time, keep making "good stuff" happen ~ you have more power than you think!