I have had a great time playing with this blog, but I have to admit how disappointed I've been that very few have appeared to have read the blog... and even fewer have contributed. There are 39 email addresses that this goes out to, and on a regular basis I hear from only a dozen or less. Even fewer contribute anything to put on the blog. I am extremely grateful for those of you who have continued to send me encouragement and praise. I would have been willing to try most anything you all had suggested you would like to see or read on what I liked to call "our" blog. Instead, I find it more and more difficult to put meaningful items here, and it seems to end up being more of my "personal" blog.
Thus, the photo of the swan with her "babies". Once this blog is finished, I intend to start a more personal one. I think my family and old friends read this one more than the classmates do, anyway. The babies represent my new endeavors in the future.
I have a couple of items to put here that may interest all of you. The first is from one of my faithful followers/contributors, JAMES HAYS. He wrote:
"After eight months of a partial restoration by Harold Stieber and myself, the critical gust load tolerance turned out to be one mph faster than this afternoon! Bounced around like a BB in a boxcar, but stayed controllable throughout test flight. Looking forward to several more hours of fun flying out of the bird"...JAMES
Now, if you are like me, most of you will not understand what on earth he is talking about...with the exception of the other pilots in the class like JERRY EOFF, BOB BURTON, and GLENN SMITH. However, you will all get a big kick out of seeing JAMES in his newly restored toy.

I can't tell if that's a "V" for Victory, a peace sign, or if James is offering up some kind of prayer before taking off!

It is nice to see men of our age engaging in such good hobbies. Too many have given up "living" and seem just to sit by the television.

It is nice to see men of our age engaging in such good hobbies. Too many have given up "living" and seem just to sit by the television.
For some reason, JERRI (PIEL) STEEL and her husband, Sam, have not been getting the notices sent when there was a blog update. This is unfortunate, because I feel that JERRI would have been a good correspondent and would have contributed some really "good stuff"! Her husband recently sent me the following:
"This is the Rosemary that is closest to the house. JERRI is holding a tape measure across the plant to show the width. It is blooming and the bees are visiting it. The milk bottle on the ground below the tape is for the orphan Barbado lamb that we are raising on the bottle. The plant behind JERRI is a rose bush."

I have always believed that there is a Divine Order to things that happen in our lives. I just don't believe in coincidences. When I moved back to Ballinger in 2005, I could not give anyone a really good reason "why". I told myself I just wanted to live in a small town again, particularly one that held so many good memories. Having two of my best friends from high school living here seemed a good reason, too. I also thought it would be a cheaper place to live on my limited Social Security income. WRONG!
As February, 2007 rolled around and JAMES HAYS held a meeting to discuss the upcoming 50th Class Reunion, I began to see a purpose in my moving back here after all these years. I don't think I really knew what I was doing when I offered to attempt the handbook. I just felt compelled to do it. Same way with the blog. Until recently, that is.
I had a wonderful opportunity offered to me last fall by a dear friend and her husband. She and I go back almost 50 years, having met when my oldest and her two children were just wee ones. I met her right here in Ballinger, when I moved home after my divorce. Jane and Joe visited me last fall, and not long afterward, they called to tell me they wanted to buy a little house for me to live in where they live. It would be a long-term investment for them, and they will rent the house to me for the same low rent I pay here for a much smaller, older home.
The added bonus is that I will be only 45 minutes from my younger son and my two youngest grandchildren! Ballinger is so "off the beaten path", that it is not on the way to anywhere! One has to make a special trip to visit here. It's difficult, particularly for my daughter in Amarillo to visit, as the plane trip has to go via Dallas, layovers, etc. and she doesn't drive long distances alone. She gets road hypnosis.
I feel that once I move to the Austin area, I may see more of all three kids and their families. I'll be in the heart of the Hill Country... surrounded by wonderful lakes and things to do! Not to mention, I'll have the companionship of my dear friend and her husband. They are so energetic, positive, and enthusiastic about life. Lots of fun to be around and do things with. (She and I and her daughter and her friend from junior high school went on a cruise together a few years back! ) She and I have shared a lot of the same experiences and heartaches through the years. She's an example of a little plaque I used to hang that stated, "A friend is someone who knows all about you and loves you just the same." And they don't ever seem to mind my not having a "partner". I don't feel like a fifth wheel around them. Of course, I may have to be careful that they do not try some "matchmaking"!
Like my compelling move to Ballinger, I have a feeling there is some kind of "mission" awaiting me at my next location!
At first, I thought I might continue the blog, as it really doesn't matter where I live, if folks are sending me things to place on it. However, that is not the case, and I won't be around to invite out-of-towners over, go to funerals, take pictures, etc. I would love to see this continue. Perhaps if someone out there feels they would like to take it over, maybe people will contribute to that "someone" who is better known. I have already deleted most of the personal items, like family photos, etc., and Google Blogger makes it easy for more than one person to author a blog. I can put your email address on and you can start when you're ready. Just let me know. I know there must be someone out there bored, who would like to do this!
I will be starting to pack and be pretty busy before long, as I will move the first part of June. If anyone has something special they would like to share with the class before I quit publishing, let me know. Otherwise, this will be the last blog post.
Before I close, this is what my house looked like Saturday night for Earth Hour. The kerosene lamp on the dining room table was my great-grandmother's. I read for about 45 minutes, then took a long soaking bath by candlelight. Later I heard that 4,000 cities participated in Earth Hour this year to help raise awareness about global warming and the need to diminish each of our footprints upon the earth. I hope some of you did, too. I know that JUNE HASH CURRY did!
I don't know how to say "goodbye" in Swan-speak, so I'll just say a heartfelt thanks to all of you who helped make this fun for me... you know who you are. You kept it alive this long!
May each of your lives be filled with all kinds of "good stuff"...
Love and peace,

ReplyDeleteThere is absolutely no way to thank you enough for all the effort you put into this blog. You ao unselfishly tried to link us to each others lives through this wonderful method of communication. I'm so sad that so few participated interactively. Anyway, thank you so much for your many efforts.
The class of 1957 owes you big time.
Love, June
A couple of sweet goodbyes I wish to share with you (these mean so much to me):
ReplyDeleteTo our darling Marilyn,
What can we say? You have lifted our spirits, spread news, made us laugh, and made us cry. You have been a wonderful friend to us all with this blog, and I know I speak for all.... it was what we all needed at this time of our lives.
We can only wish you the very best life has to offer in your new "adventure". What great friends you must be joining in Burnet.
I personally want to say that you are still as beautiful as in high school, but I want you to take care of yourself more. You have thought of all of us for these past few years, now is time for Marilyn.
I love you and cherish the time we had, though it was so brief. Even if there is no blog, let us hear from you and know what interesting things you are doing.
With love,
"Thanks, Marilyn, for doing this for such an 'extended stay'. Will miss hearing from you and hope all is well with you.
From Ann (Mrs. Bob) Burton:
ReplyDelete"I will certainly miss all the news and information you send along. I always print and give to Bob to read as he is not one to come up here and "do the computer thing", but loves to read all your stuff. Please make sure the Burtons are on your new blog list as we love each and every member of your family as if they are our own. You always cheer us with your outlook and memories.
In the unselfish vein, I am excited you will be moving closer to your Matthew and Amy. Those two kiddos are a wonderful experience, and a joy to watch. They all are special people and easy to love. Being near to family and friends is the best of situations, and you are blessed to have the opportunity. We are so happy for you and them.
I am not being prejudiced when I say being a grandmother is the most fun I have ever had, and the best learning experience.
If we can help in any way let us know.
Best wishes to you!!!!!
Goodbye from Peg Branham Krumlinde:
ReplyDelete"Marilyn - I am sorry to see you end the blog, but I certainly understand. I am so happy for your decision to move near Austin - a beautiful part of our beloved Texas. Being closer to your kids is a blessing - Please keep my email address (paknm@msn.com) and keep in touch; I promise to do the same as soon as you send me your email address in your new home.
God Bless and do "something good"!
Luv-U - Peg"
From Neil Broussard:
ReplyDelete"I for one hate to see you stop the blog. I know I didn't contribute anything but I enjoyed reading about what was going with everyone. Good luck with your move and may God bless you."
From Paul Mota:
I am typing with one hand due to rotator cuff surgery. A very minor thing compared to what others here have gone through.
I cannot thank you more for what you did. I thoroughly enjoyed all
the news and the photos. And thanks for including me in the group.
I regret not contributing more to the blog.
Good luck on your move. I am certain you will gain a lot from whatever you decide to do with your life.