Saturday, February 7, 2015


If we need proof that prayers work, the following from our classmate, PEGGY BRANHAM KRUMLINDE should give some credence to their power. 

"I just received a call from my surgeon's office - Blue Cross finally approved him for my surgery. I will have my pre-op on Monday and surgery is scheduled for Wednesday, February 11th. I don't know what time I will actually have the procedure; I have to be admitted at 5:30 a.m.
This has been a long time coming and I am so relieved that I will finally be able to get some help. I have suffered with this condition for several years and could never convince doctors that it was something serious. They just weren't willing to do the proper testing to find out. 

I know it will be a hard surgery and harder still to recover, but I am willing just to have the chance at a normal life again.

All your prayers, emails, calls and thoughts are so appreciated." Luv - U ~ Peg  
PEGGY outlined the difficulties involved in this surgery in previous blog posts. She is a remarkably strong woman, who has endured much in the way of surgery in the past. Now, we all need to remember to send our loving thoughts and prayers to her throughout the day this coming Wednesday. As we know, modern medicine can perform miracles, but since ancient times, prayer has done the same! The combination should be awesome!

I look forward to hearing from PEGGY as soon as she's able to communicate with us. Maybe your daughter can send me an email, PEG.

Peace and love,


1 comment:

  1. Our prayers are already being answered through the insurance approval, and our prayers continue for Peg's complete recovery.
