I received the following email from our Class President, JAMES HAYS last night.
"It is with great sadness that I am relating to all of you that I had a phone call
from Donna Ebert, Nydah’s daughter that Nydah had passed away this morning. She had been in poor condition for several days after a long deterioration following a car wreck over two years ago. Her quality of life had been very poor and getting worse in the past two months. There will be a memorial service at a later date.
from Donna Ebert, Nydah’s daughter that Nydah had passed away this morning. She had been in poor condition for several days after a long deterioration following a car wreck over two years ago. Her quality of life had been very poor and getting worse in the past two months. There will be a memorial service at a later date.
The memory of her voice and laughter will be with me for a long time."
I remember NYDAH visiting my home when she was in Ballinger for the 50th Class Reunion. Such a delightful person, and so considerate to bring me a bouquet of roses as her thanks for the class handbook. (I dried the roses, and they are in a bowl as potpourri in my office now.) She was so cute sitting on my living room floor and doing Yoga stretches. It was a surprise to hear that December that she had to have knee surgery. In January of 2008, she emailed me the following, which I posted on the blog. It is an example of the optimism she had and shared..
"I am making good progress. (Remember, she had knee replacement surgery in December.) I do not quite dance yet, but I do ballet barre stretches at home. I am doing out-patient physical therapy for another week and then I am on my own. I have not worked at my job in sooo long that I no longer want to do it. I have discovered that it is just great to be retired as I have lots more interests I have neglected for the past few years.
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She went on to tell me she has plans to put together a book of her dad's memories, clippings, and notes over a twenty year period, as well as delve into her family genealogy. Nydah also indicated she wishes to get back to ballroom dancing soon. You go, girl!"
I'll bet NYDAH is singing and dancing with the angels now. She had such a joyful spirit.
Peace and love,
RIP, sweet Nydah.