Occasionally, I contact one or the other of you just to touch base and see how you are. It thrills me to hear from someone I might have been worried about. It also thrills me to get back a newsy update on what's going on in your life. So, please, share your news, your hobbies, any updates or challenges to your health. We have some wonderful "prayer warriors" willing to put in a good word for you when needed. The following email I received from PAUL MOTA:

"It was nice reading your last blog. I don't want to ruin a good day, but I will be honest about my health and what is happening with me. Even if I am having a hard time at the moment, I have had what I think is a pretty nice life. I have seen and done a lot of things, and thankfully, I have a wife who does a lot for me. I am doing pretty good considering I could be a lot worse off.
About 2- or 3-years ago they diagnosed me with pulmonary fibrosis. I think it was from heavy smoking, but the doctor says that was probably not the reason for my problem. I have a portable (oxygen) unit which I try to use most of the time, but my breathing is still labored. I recently turned 82, and (since) I'm alive and walking, it could be worse. I just wanted to let you know how things are going from this end.
I wish everyone a wonderful spring. Thanks for lending an ear. Please do not feel bad. I feel real lucky for all the things I have seen and done".... PAUL
Carajean and Me |
When I received the above email from PAUL, I responded with a health challenge of my own. Years of smoking began to take its toll on me in the late nineties. A bout of flu put me in the hospital in 1999, and the doctor told me that my lungs showed emphysema. I quit smoking immediately, and made my promise to God, "I swear I will never smoke another cigarette!" And I haven't. But lung diseases such as mine and PAUL's cannot be undone. We learn to live with them.
I continued to lose my ability to do anything that took a lot of energy for several years. It became harder and harder to lift things, bend, do housework (that one didn't bother me so much!), swim, and even talk. As I have been called a "compulsive communicator" in the past, that has been the hardest for me. Of course, it may be the Universe telling me to "listen more." After all, we were given two ears and only one mouth!
Some of you already are aware of this, but in late 2014 I had to go on oxygen and medication. I have been somewhat better since then, and can go without oxygen most days if I am not expending any energy or going out. My son Matthew talked me into giving up driving a couple of years ago. You know what? I love to stay home. Of course, all three of my children and some grandchildren live in Austin now, so I have plenty of company and help when I need it. Computers (and Amazon Fire) make life easier now for everyone. I even order my groceries online for one of my children to pick up for me. And there is always someone available to take me if I need to go anywhere like the doctor, dentist, or family get-together.
If I could be granted a wish now, I wish I had more children! I'm afraid I might wear out the ones I have before I leave this earth! (Please know that this is a joke!)..MARILYN
DOTTIE BISHOP ROGERS sent the following update:

"I am trudging along great. I am so busy that I sometimes just lock the door and turn out the lights so I can rest.
I had a cancer removed from my leg - just a squamous cell - but they did not get it all the first time, and had to do a "do-over." That meant stitches inside and out, and since it was at the bottom of my knee, I had to wear a half-boot and keep the stitches for 3-weeks. Other than aggravation, I was fine.
I have entered three art shows this spring so far, and have done well...I no longer play golf. I gave it up when my handicap got so bad. I am too competitive (they tell me). I am still very active at my little church and enjoy it immensely.
I paint mostly in oils, but sometimes do pastels. I have tried watercolor, but I like big-bold-color and my watercolors did not do that for me. I wield a heavy hand brush; therefore, I do large paintings. I go to the lumber yard and get pine 1x4s, split them, and make barn-wood looking frames. (I am fortunate to have my son, grandson, and great grandson to do heavy lifting. My sweet Larry is also always available when I need help.) I need a larger house or more storage because there is not a blank wall in my entire house.
I had a bug in my bonnet a while back about going to a retirement home, but after visiting one, I realized I am not ready for that, so I refinanced my home and eased my finances a bunch, and I am still going strong.
Give my love to all our friends from class. Take care and enjoy life." ...DOTTIE
And then there is our Class President, busy as always, JAMES HAYS:

"The West Texas Historical Association will have the annual meeting next Friday and Saturday, April 12 and 13, at West Texas A&M, as it is known now, in Canyon. I am presenting a paper in the first round Friday, starting at 10:00 am, my being the third speaker of the first batch. There are three rooms going at a time. The next group will be interesting - lots of Comanche stuff in it. My subject is John Moore’s expedition and fight on the Colorado. The thesis is that the fight happened in southeast Runnels County, not near Colorado City as one well-copied, but poorly informed historian claimed. My goal is to firmly establish this fight for Runnels County. The museum across the street is one of the best in Texas. I will be in Room 220 in the Administration Building. I would be glad to see you there."...JAMES HAYS
NANCY THOMPSON BAKER has a busy spring ahead. Her grandson Spencer Jones and his fiancee Nikki will be getting married April 20th at the Vineyard/Winery in Florence, Texas. Nikki will graduate from medical school in Reno, Nevada (where they live now) on May 17th, and start her residency at College Station this summer. Spencer (a BHS graduate) is the Continuous Process Improvement Manager for Grifols Plasma Center, and travels all over the United States. He only needs to be near a large airport, so they will live in College Station. This makes NANCY very happy to have him back in Texas.
Speaking of Nancy, I have a funny story she told me a few months back. I was asking about her dog Beans since she hadn't mentioned it in a while. Seems Beans had passed away and they now had a new German Shepherd named Brandy. She told me this:
"Somehow all our pets have names starting with a "B" - Beans, Brandy, Bandit, and Bill. One day a man was walking down our side street and Bill started following him. I hollered 'BILL' and the guy thought I said KILL." I should have asked NANCY if the man took off running!
Stanley |
A little more humor to close on. TRUMAN CONNER has a delightful cat named Stanley. From time to time, he sends a photo of Stanley. This one cracks me up! I asked TRUMAN if he's sure this is a cat??
Send me your Good Stuff... I know it's happening!
Peace and Love,