I know some of you must read the blog, because some of you answered my request to let me hear from you. The first one is a followup to the climate change post. It's from my faithful reader, PAUL MOTA. He led an interesting life, but from the following I discovered it was also a little dangerous. At least to me.
"Just a quick story relating to earthquakes:
In Japan we lived in a 3-story building, which supposedly was on rollers to absorb the impact of an earthquake. We could usually feel the movement, but we got used to it and it was hardly noticed after a while. After the third year we mostly ignored it, but at first it was scary. What was amazing was when we read the time of the quake, and sometimes we realized we had been on a railroad/subway at the time. It was amazing how the train stayed on the tracks." It's amazing to me, too, PAUL! Lucky you.
While I was typing PAUL's story, I received the following from DENNY
HILL - another faithful reader:
HILL - another faithful reader:
"I distinctly remember, back in high school, when there was an enormous amount of water flowing over the dam in the park in Ballinger, much more than in your photo. The space below the dam was filled, and there were giant, very dangerous looking whirlpools, with uprooted trees, etc. And of course, some parts of the park itself were flooded.
"It is indeed strange...while I hear about the severe weather in parts of the middle of the country, here on Long Island we had almost no winter, in the sense of essentially no snow, except for maybe a couple of light ones that melted immediately."
I guess I neglected to give credit to the flood photos of Ballinger City Park. I found them on the Abilene Reporter News website, which had credited them to a photographer for the San Angelo Standard-Times. I did post some of my own flood photos when the park flooded during the time I moved back to Ballinger for the 50th reunion.
As for "almost no winter", DENNY, isn't that a pretty strong sign of "climate change"?
Let me hear from more of you.
Peace and Love,