This will be the fourth post I've written since March 6th that mentions the Coronavirus and the C0VID-19 cases that might affect the members of our class. The city of Austin as well as many of the areas where you all live has gone on a lockdown since then. Personally, I am going into my third month of isolation. It has now been three weeks since any of my children have visited. Not that they have neglected me, but all think it wiser not to have physical contact with me. They are all sheltering in place, working and studying from home, but some still are shopping for groceries. They take turns coming to my house to take my trash to the dumpster down the road, and to bring me my mail. They talk to me briefly from the porch or front yard. I miss the hugs and occasional games we used to play.
(Foggy morning view from porch.)
There are seven people staying with my daughter Carajean for whom she shops. They all pitch in and share the cooking and chores while staying there. Since the virus is known to be asymptomatic in some cases, no one wants to inadvertently pass it on to me. Carajean says she orders groceries online now about every other day at different stores. Then she drives to pick them up. I am still ordering online, but now to be delivered. I ordered a fairly large amount last week only to have them say the soonest they could deliver is April 9th! Since HEB is overwhelmed with orders they said many of the items on my list will not be available, but they will substitute if I wish.
That started a small pity party I held for myself when the thought that now I likely must do without my favorite coffee and creamer. And eggs! How many recipes call for eggs? My "brunch" most often consists of eggs and toast. That made me immediately feel guilty and ashamed. I feel inordinately grateful that I have a cozy cottage to live in, children nearby to assist me when I need help, plentiful food (if not my favorite), internet, TV, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Roku (gifts from my son Matthew), and electricity to run them all as well as my oxygen concentrator. Even here in affluent Austin, poverty is plentiful, and the homeless are in danger of becoming the next victims of the pandemic. And then there are the third world countries..
I breathe a sigh of relief when I hear from one of you or my other friends during this stressful time. Most of us are in the "vulnerable" stage. And some of you live in the hardest hit areas. I fear that Texas is going to be the next Number One center for the outbreak. Our Republican Governor has dragged his heels issuing stay-in-place orders. He still doesn't see the necessity of a full state lockdown. At the current time there are twelve (12) states that have yet to issue them... all with Republican Governors. They all seem to be following Trump's lead, and more concerned with leaving businesses open than saving lives.
I received the following from a few of you this past week:

DOTTIE BISHOP ROGERS sent an update as well: "I'm doing well. We only have 4-cases in Cochise County. Yes, our church is closed, but we are blessed with a pastor who is a pro with technology and he preaches online and teaches a class later. Our little Dollar General store is open. The only cafe has set up tables outside and gives our coffee clatches a place to eat. We have no gas station or grocery store. I'm so blessed to have my children close when so many have no one. I hope you are doing well." Isn't technology wonderful, DOTTIE? For years I have watched church services on TV. I'm happy to see so many are now offering online church as well. If we ever needed spirituality, we need it now.
GENE ROUTH always sends such beautiful photographs of their snowy landscape. Here's what he has to say currently: "We are doing well so far. Close to 400 cases of Covid-19 in our county and some deaths. I haven’t left home since Monday and don’t plan to for a few more days. About 5-inches of snow overnight, looks beautiful but things are not so great outside our gates. Our kids and grands are okay, all are still working so we worry about them. They check in daily, we are well looked after. I hope you are all safe and well. Best wishes and prayers." Gene
JERRI PIEL STEEL didn't mention the virus, but she has had another difficulty to deal with. She sent the following to me this week. "Am in isolation but for other reasons ~ 2-weeks ago my dog knocked me down, broke my hip - surgery, rehab, now at my son’s house in Weatherford for therapy ~ hope to be home soon. Love you."

Love you, too, JERRI. As I wrote this now, I realized that Weatherford is close to Fort Worth and located in Parker County. I noticed that Weatherford has instituted some lockdown features, too, but don't know if the city itself has any cases of COVID-19. In any case, JERRI, I hope you are careful before you venture out to go home. And watch out for your dog. It will probably be excited to see you up and around as usual.
Everyone please take good care of yourselves. Why not share some of your experiences with isolation. What you do to pass the time. Your memories of past "disasters".
In the meantime, anyone remember him?
Thanks for the updates, Marilyn.