"The minister was a long time friend of Braden’s who had long been his Christian mentor. It was a lovely ceremony, very moving with Braden and Kennedy reading separate vows before the minister spoke."
The Happy Couple
Weddings such as this are among the many benefits of having children and grandchildren. As we grow older, the memories of family get-togethers become more and more important - and cherished even more. I know JUNE must have loved every minute spending time with her loved ones and being a part of this milestone in their lives.
As I was writing this, I received an email from GENE ROUTH with the following beautiful photograph of his yard.
GENE wrote the following: "Monday morning (19 March) after 5 inches of snow overnight. We have survived another winter! Lenna and I are doing pretty well, looking forward to Spring! It was great to see so many of you last Fall." (Gene, I searched my files and I do not have a recent photo of you. How about one?)
Granddaughter Audrey sent this photo of Papaw & Two (BOB and Ann BURTON) right after I published the last post, celebrating their 50th anniversary. I thought it was such a good photo that it needed to be here as well.
One Last Look @ Destin, Florida
I hope these spur all of you to send me some news and photos of you and yours.
We are so fortunate to have so many of our classmates in good health and able to enjoy life. Some of us lead busy, interesting lives. And some of us just enjoy sitting on the sidelines and reading about yours. I wish I had been able to attend the last reunion, but I get a lot of pleasure hearing about that and other events in your lives, and passing it on! Remember, not everyone is on Facebook, so even if you've shared something interesting there... share with us here as well!
If you are in need of comfort, prayers, or communication, let me know, too, and I will gladly pass it on. That's what friends are for. However, I will never put something here that you do not wish to share.
Love and Peace,