JUNE is in rehab, and since she has her iPad with her, you might send her good wishes, funny e-cards, or just a note of encouragement -- especially from any of you who have gone through the same surgery. You should have her newest email address in the back of your handbook, if you've made the changes I've sent. If not, email me and I will send it to you. I don't want to put personal emails on the blog for all the world to see.
I know I sent you an update on NANCY BAKER's husband Jake. I haven't had more news from her as yet, but will forward anything I receive on his and JUNE's conditions. So far, prayers appear to be working for both of them. Keep it up.
I recently had lunch with MARTHA NORTHINGTON. She was kind enough to bring us a delicious meal from Whole Foods, complete with cookies for dessert. We chatted our heads off, often talking at the same time! I'm afraid I might have bored her with my talk -- and photos of my children and grandchildren. She was too polite to say so. MARTHA's enjoying living back in Austin, close to her son and grandchildren.
Yesterday I had a real treat. I saw my youngest grandson play golf for the first time. Travis has been in the South Texas Junior PGA Tournament league for the past 4-years. He's been taking lessons from a golf pro at a local Country Club for the past year. He's 13, but the 14- and 15-year-olds he plays with make him look so much younger. He holds his own with these older boys. I got to cheer for him on the last nine holes of a tournament yesterday in Lakeway -- near my home. He didn't do as well this time, but recently placed 5th in a group of 25 or more. I was afraid that this Grandmommy made him off his game. His dad had to shush me when I said "Ohhhhh, no!" at a missed shot. I promise to do better next time.

Which reminds me, NEIL, I cannot find a recent photo of you. Please send one. Google is doing away with Picasa soon -- makes me so very mad! I have at least 5,000 photos stored on it. They have transferred them to their new Google Photos, but none are in the order they were in on Picasa. I have a horrible time finding what I want.
Enough rambling for today. I always look forward to hearing from any of you -- for whatever reason. Please don't wait until someone is ill or has died to communicate with me and our classmates.
Until next time..
Peace and love,