James Hays is getting daily updates on Nydah's condition. As our "resident" physician, I feel he is giving us the best information available at this time.
This is the latest news:
"Nydah (her car) was T-boned not far from her home in Ravenna, OH. Fracture of first cervical vertebrae (neck) spinal cord bruise/injury. She had surgery early to stabilize the neck fracture. Also a significant concussion and a broken ankle.
"Nydah (her car) was T-boned not far from her home in Ravenna, OH. Fracture of first cervical vertebrae (neck) spinal cord bruise/injury. She had surgery early to stabilize the neck fracture. Also a significant concussion and a broken ankle.
She didn't pass her swallow test today so she will have a PEG tube tomorrow. That's a feeding tube through the abdomen into her stomach. Apparently they have been giving her feedings through a nasogastric (nose to us) tube which eventually leads to aspiration and pneumonia, so the PEG route is better for the long run. It is easily removed when she gets better.
She needs lots of intermediate care with physical/occupational/speech therapy. And she needs lots of prayers and support."
She needs lots of intermediate care with physical/occupational/speech therapy. And she needs lots of prayers and support."
Akron City Hospital Room 459B
55 Arch Street
Akron Ohio 44304
330 375-4666 switchboard
Love and peace and prayers for Nydah,