At the current time, we are not subject to the hardest part of the Coronavirus outbreak. (I have resisted calling it a "Pandemic", but have heard it is now official.) None of us has been forced to self-quarantine - at least none I've heard from. And thankfully, no one has had to be admitted to the hospital having contracted the virus. I know the news is overwhelmed with articles and TV spots that try to cover all that is happening. However, I've always felt that any hardship one is going through is made easier if we can talk about it and share our feelings with someone who cares.
(I just learned that my grandson Tanner has been exposed by someone who was exposed by a member or guest of the UT president's family, who has someone who tested positive. Tanner is self-quarantining until he gets an all-clear. His dad took groceries to him. They both have been attending UT.)
(I just learned that my grandson Tanner has been exposed by someone who was exposed by a member or guest of the UT president's family, who has someone who tested positive. Tanner is self-quarantining until he gets an all-clear. His dad took groceries to him. They both have been attending UT.)
The coming days we - due to our age and regardless of our good health - may be isolated or even quarantined. The upside of this is there can be lots of positive things we can do while at home. All of you reading this have internet access. Hopefully, most of us have things like cable TV, cord-cutting services like ROKU, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Pandora music, and more things for the television viewers to binge on. Many of these can be watched on the internet on our computers as well. Of course, we are too old for video games (smile), but those who have iPhones can enjoy Words With Friends. Some may have Kindle or android devices to download and read books.. local libraries rent them for free.
I have toyed with the idea of getting back to my artwork in the form of pastels. DOTTIE BISHOP may end up very wealthy with the extra time for adding to her paintings that she sells. I am still waiting for her to send some photos of her favorites. PATI COCKRELL is excited about her new quilting hobby, and JUNE CURRY crochets some of the most beautiful pieces I've ever seen.. and now she can do more to pass the time.
This also might be the time to write that book you've been planning to write for years. JAMES HAYS will certainly have time to continue his writing about the Runnels County history. And of course, all of you who are Facebook fans can stay in touch with one another and share your frustrations.
"Hello Marilyn, we here in San Antonio, Texas are doing OK. I personally am staying at home - I do not want to get that virus. I was too sick last year and knocked on the death door twice. So I am really being careful. I do have lots of toilet paper which is a big joke here. I would love to hear from some of the classmates on how they are all doing. Thank you for keeping up on all the news and sending it to all of us. I hope you are well."
ROSALYN, I am so glad you survived the terrible health issues you suffered last year. Means you are a really tough gal!

JERRYE, yes, for those in care facilities or even those of us who live alone, it is really quite an adjustment. Thankfully, you have caregivers who are dedicated to seeing you are protected and well taken care of during this critical period. And thank you, Benita, for informing me of JERRYE's situation from time to time. Maybe she has a window in her room? You could visit her that way, and even take a little chalkboard to send her your love while there.
From JAMES HAYS (Brownwood, Texas):
"I have kept busy keeping up with Texas Dept. of Health, Texas Med Assn, etc. as I am the Brown County Health Authority. County health doc. That and a dollar will get me a cup of coffee. Mostly, I have had to deal with false rumors. Everybody should know what to do by now. The overall plan is to delay infection to buy time for development of a vaccine which is a time consuming thing. Ordinary coronavirus shares billing with adenoviruses as the cause of common colds, but this one has altered its DNA in China and is a real problem for old folks like us now, like it or not. Just follow the advice on hand washing, social distancing, etc.
"Tentatively, I am scheduled to give a paper/talk in Lubbock Friday, May 3rd for the West Texas Historical Society on mail delivery by stagecoach and other means. This may change on short notice due to the health situation. We had the Runnels County Historical Commission meeting today, and we are writing a book on various aspects of local history which should be out as early as mid-summer. I will have four chapters in it."
Yes, JAMES, it sounds like you have been busy. What have you and Kay been doing to prevent bringing the virus home? With the traveling you are doing, it seems you might be exposed at some point. You (like I and many others in our class) have had health problems that make us "vulnerable". Please take care.
CHARLES FIKES (Hearne, Texas): Haven't been affected. People have gone crazy buying all the toilet paper. I don't understand that. Schools are closing including A&M. Playing hell with our 401K. But God is in control so we don't have anything to worry about. Hope all is well with everyone else. Be safe."
BOB BURTON (Flower Mound, Texas) and his wife Ann had to cancel their trip to Galveston this week for spring break with our daughter Carajean, some of the grandchildren, and other family members. They didn't decide to cancel until last night. I am pretty certain BOB is sorry he's not getting to go fishing. My son Matthew and his family were also planning to go. Yesterday he texted me, "I'm going to catch the biggest shark I've ever caught!" (He loves to scare me.) Last year he got stung by a jellyfish! Personally, I'm relieved that they aren't going. Other than the disappointment of not going fishing, I'm not sure what BOB and Ann are experiencing due to the outbreak.
This an extremely long post, but before I end it I will post something that just popped up in my inbox:
From DOTTIE BISHOP ROGERS (Pearce-Sunsites, Arizona):

Oh, if all of us had her spirit! You go, girl!
One of us does. Not a girl, but BOB BURTON. On his recent 81st birthday he made the comment, "81 is not old anymore."
Over and out,