I received an email from PEGGY BRANHAM KRUMLINDE over the weekend with the following:
"Our visitor last night at 11:30. We had another one night before last at 9:30."
When I spoke of seniors living an exciting life, this is not exactly what I had in mind, Peg! She went on to tell me the following:
"We are in our RV on our lot in Pendaries (Pan-da-ray), 22 miles north and east of Las Vegas, NM - 80 miles from Santa Fe. We are at 8,000 feet, and have a lot of pine and oak here. The bears are hungry this year due to the drought, although we have had our annual monsoon season - it was a little late in August this year. We have to have all our bird feeders brought inside by around 5:00 every afternoon so the bears won't get them.

We will be winterizing on the 16th and return home to Albuquerque for the winter. It is already down in the 40s in the mornings here, and we have to use heat for an hour or so every day. It is warm during the afternoons, but drops back down by about 5:00 every afternoon and continues to get colder as the night wears on. It is truly beautiful here - we love to fish and are 20 minutes from Morphy Lake State Park north of us at 10,000 feet. Lot of rainbow trout - yummm."
What I'd like to know is do the bears ever go fishing, too? Seems I've seen a lot of videos of them doing just that -- and in the daytime!

JERRY EOFF dropped me a note as well. "Of interest to some. The old Troop 42 scout hut/Catholic hall - the barracks building across from the water tower, was destroyed by fire this morning (Sunday, 9/8)."
I remember the building. Sorry I don't have a picture. I was there for a family reunion for someone a few years back and it was showing its age then. If I remember correctly, it was a frame building. With people using the kitchen facilities, I'm surprised it lasted this long.
I would like to do some kind of memorial for TER. If any of you would like to share a story or two - either from high school or recent years, I will be happy to publish that as well. In the meantime, to TER, a big fan of John Wayne movies, "Happy Trails to You".

We will be winterizing on the 16th and return home to Albuquerque for the winter. It is already down in the 40s in the mornings here, and we have to use heat for an hour or so every day. It is warm during the afternoons, but drops back down by about 5:00 every afternoon and continues to get colder as the night wears on. It is truly beautiful here - we love to fish and are 20 minutes from Morphy Lake State Park north of us at 10,000 feet. Lot of rainbow trout - yummm."
What I'd like to know is do the bears ever go fishing, too? Seems I've seen a lot of videos of them doing just that -- and in the daytime!

I remember the building. Sorry I don't have a picture. I was there for a family reunion for someone a few years back and it was showing its age then. If I remember correctly, it was a frame building. With people using the kitchen facilities, I'm surprised it lasted this long.
I still don't have any details of TERRY COTHRAN'S passing. I hope the family will have an obituary placed in the local paper - or the online Ballinger News. If/when they do, I will post it here.
Take care out there, and