Burtons and Archers
BOB BURTON and his wife Ann have been in Destin, Florida the past week to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with our daughter Carajean, her husband Branch, and some of their grandchildren. The Archers take a family vacation every year when the kids are on Spring Break. This time they had "Papaw and Two" accompany them. Granddaughter Audrey texted me a few minutes ago that they were leaving Destin now to go to New Orleans, spend the night there, then head home to Austin. More fun celebrations!
Shortly after they got to Florida, Carajean texted that the weather was not very conducive to beach frolicking, but these two went there anyway (note the jackets). Was BOB whispering sweet nothings?
Congratulations to another BHS Class of '57 long-lasting marriage.
I know there are more of you out there celebrating one kind of event or another. Just send me a notice and photos -- even a newspaper clipping and we'll help you celebrate.
This video is of my youngest grandson, Travis Rider. It was taken a couple of years ago, and he has continued to improve. This past year he was placed on the Vipers Varsity Golf Team at Vandegrift High School here in Austin. Although he is the smallest on the team, he's mighty at play! In the photo below, he is the second from the left. This was a tournament in January. Today and tomorrow they are in a tournament in Georgetown. Here's to another win!
Travis will be sixteen in July, and his dad, Matthew, has already bought him his first car. This grandmother rues the day he will be permitted to drive on Austin freeways without Dad or Mom in the car.

Until next time..
Love, Peace, and bragging rights!