Saturday, December 15, 2007


You know, I fully intended to write something for this blog from December 13th until Christmas. I was thinking "Twelve Days of Christmas" at the time. Then I remembered that those twelve days are really from Christmas Day (when Christ was supposedly born) until January 5th -- the length of time it would have taken the Wise Men to make the journey to Bethlehem.

I don't know where my mind was.. I was thinking "gifts". My gift to all of you for the Christmas season. Pretty conceited of me when I think about it. The photographs (with some exceptions -- like the Hill House) that I find pleasing and that create nostalgic memories of this area for me, may not do the same for you. That's why I really would like your input. What do you remember that might still be here? What would you enjoy seeing and hearing about from the past?

Yesterday I got a call from my trusty on-the-spot reporter, Nancy Baker (who works for free, I might add), that she and hubby Jake had spotted "50 wild turkeys!" in City Park (she's been known to exaggerate a little at times). I grabbed my camera and rushed to what I thought would be my "turkey shoot".. I'm thinking, "These are escapees from Thanksgiving perhaps looking for a place to hide until after Christmas." After searching the City Park and the streets all along the bluff, I was disappointed that the only creatures I saw were the geese at the duck pond and a few goats that ignored me when they discovered I didn't have any food for them when I approached their pen.

On my little tour of that side of Broadway, I discovered the little gem of a footbridge pictured below. It looks so ancient, however, I don't remember seeing it during the 50s. Of course, I wasn't that interested in rock structures of any kind back then. I got enough talk about "rocks" at home, as my dad owned the local sand and gravel business.

Do any of you remember this bridge? Know where it is located? Did you ever walk across it? I must admit, it is so old I wasn't too sure it would be safe to walk across now.

Happy Holidays from Ballinger.........

1 comment:

  1. Marilyn,
    Your trusty side-kick, Nancy, was absolutely accurate about those wild turkeys. When my family and I were recently in Ballinger for Grady's mother's funeral, we made a side trip down to the Ballinger Park. My daughter remembered it from times spent in Ballinger with grandparents when she was small. When we drove down to the park, there were masses of wild turkeys running around everywhere. We could hardly believe it. It was quite a wonderful site.

