Two recent events marked the life of our former classmate, Virginia Harral Egan. As you can see from the article above, one was a joyous occasion she celebrated with her husband Mike on Valentine’s Day. What a wonderful day to get married! Congratulations on 50 years of married bliss, Virginia and Mike.
Sadly, I was informed this past week that Virginia lost her brother. I’m sorry I don’t have his name available. Nancy Baker informed me of this and she is out of town at this time. When I said to Nancy that I didn’t know Virginia had a brother, she reminded me of an event we shared in the summer of 1955.
Nancy, Irene (Piel), and I went with my mother and sister and two of their friends (plus one infant) to Marfa, Texas to watch the movie Giant being filmed. Mother had written ahead for permission to view the action from the movie set. When we arrived in Marfa, we were informed that the movie schedule had been changed. They had a giant wind machine brought in (imagine having to create wind in West Texas!), and were to film a dust storm and cattle stampede that day. For obvious reasons, the set was closed to the public.
It was a long drive, and we were determined to get a look at all the movie stars in town, so began the search for motel rooms. Marfa was a very small town, and with all the movie folks there, rooms were at a premium. Mother finally located one room in a rundown motel. Not enough space for seven of us and a baby! Somehow, we got in touch with Virginia’s brother who lived there with his wife and adorable little son, Craig. They were so hospitable, and allowed Nancy, Irene, and me to sleep in their guest room. I do not remember Virginia’s brother that much, however, I was enchanted by her three-year-old nephew. So enchanted, I believe somewhere I still have a newspaper clipping of him at that age, standing at the kitchen sink with an apron on, helping his mother wash dishes. I even loved his name, and named my first son Craig!
Virginia’s brother just happened to live on the street where two of the stars of the movie had rented houses for the duration of the filming… Elizabeth Taylor and Rock Hudson! We haunted the blocks they stayed on until we captured on film Rock Hudson walking to Elizabeth’s house. Later, we got up the nerve to knock on Elizabeth’s door. We had torn out photos from movie magazines to have her autograph for us. Duhhh! We forgot to bring a pen! However, this beautiful star generously posed for us in the doorway in her blue jeans, with a small Chihuahua dog in her arms. She still had on heavy movie makeup, which fascinated us.
That night we all stood near the entrance of the only big hotel in town and watched as stars and technicians alike arrived to eat dinner at the hotel’s restaurant. The next day we were rewarded with watching our “idol” James Dean filming outdoor scenes with Elizabeth and Rock. What memories we all have of that exciting trip!
I truly am sorry about the loss of your brother, Virginia. I know the little tale above is only a brief episode, but his generosity made for some happy teenage memories.
I want to apologize for leaving the blog with no new entries for so long. My mother’s death affected me more than I initially realized. I made three trips in a few weeks’ time, and came down with a horrific cold after the last one to San Antonio. The result of all of this was that I spent about three weeks doing a lot of introspection while healing. Some of it was like a life review. Not all of it was pleasing. As my body healed, my thoughts worked through the pain of loss. Then I had wonderful news. I am going to be blessed with another grandchild by my son Matthew and his wife Amy. Death, then new life; the circle continues.
Thanks to all of you who have patiently sent me uplifting or funny emails. I’m sorry if I didn’t respond to all of them. I will say one more time that I never respond – or even open, any email that looks remotely political in content. Nothing personal, I just don’t want to add any energy to anything so negative about any candidate. That’s not my kind of humor.
Did you all hear about NASA broadcasting into space the Beatles’ song “Across The Universe”? Wow! I hear there is a new DVD out titled the same. It’s a modern musical created entirely by Beatles’ songs – some 30 of them. I don’t know how many of you are fans, but I’ve heard it is a fantastic musical portrait of the past 40+ years of life on this planet. I’ll be looking for it.
Very little news since I have been so “cocooned” of late. June Curry has moved to Edmond, Oklahoma after selling her home in Tulsa. Remember the house fire she suffered? It didn’t stop her place from selling!
Nancy and Jake Baker, along with their daughter Melissa and hubby Bryan Jones are on a vacation trip to Las Vegas again. They go so frequently, they ought to own shares in some of the casinos there! I hope they win the big one this time!
Peggy Branham Krumlinde sent me the following photo she took on a recent vacation in Mexico. She will be in Ballinger for a family reunion in April. I’m looking forward to seeing her. We were neighbors in Albuquerque for a short time over 35 years ago! I haven’t seen her since.
Let me hear from all of you. What’s happening in your life? Share with us. In the meantime, rememberGood stuff happens!
Thanks, Marilyn, for that wonderful, newsy update. And congratulations to Mike and Ginny Egan. How fantastic to have spent 50 years together watching your children and grands grow.
ReplyDeleteThanks again,