"Just want to let you know that John Wayne Watkins passed away this past week. He has been in the hospital since Nov. 19th,the past few months he was at the VA Hospital in Big Spring. He had lung cancer-then it went into throat and voice box, so he has not been able to talk or eat since January (very sad). His funeral was today (Saturday) in San Angelo"...
Publication Date: May 23, 2008
I'm sorry I couldn't get John's photo to copy from the article in the Standard Times online obituary. If any of you are interested, you may go to their site and click on Obituaries:
This is a good address for you to make one of your Favorites or Bookmarks. That way you may keep up with news of this area no matter where you are. I'll place it in the left hand corner of the blog, along with other websites you may find interesting. KRUN's website keeps you up-to-date on Ballinger as well. (You can see who's holding a garage sale!)
On another note, I think I advised everyone that PEGGY (BRANHAM) KRUMLINDE'S test results were all negative. This is one time that negative is definitely "positive"!
I spoke with Carolyn, JERRY DAVIS's wife, yesterday. (He was taking a bath.) She said he was out of "critical care", and in another room at the hospital. His number is now 325-670-5626. They were preparing to remove the oxygen and hopefully allow him to return home. If you call the hospital and are unable to reach him, he may be home by the time you read this. Keep the prayers going for a complete recovery.
Something that has fascinated me since moving back to Ballinger is the vineyard on the San Angelo highway. I know it was planted by a Canadian doctor, Antoine Albert, during the 80s, and that they actually made the wine here for a while. Now the sign says it is owned by Becker Farms, Inc. I have done a little research online trying to find out if they are still making wine from the grapes harvested here. I assume they must be, as the vineyard is being irrigated and looks healthy and green. (I must remember to look for grapes as the season progresses!) I found a Becker Farms in Texas and one back east, but no mention of the Bluebonnet Hill Vineyard.
When I tried to locate Dr. Albert, I found a website he had in 2005. Seems he had become a personal "coach", specializing in assisting medical doctors. His bio mentioned that while he lived in Ballinger, he built a modern clinic. Is that the same clinic we have here today, located on Third Street? I tried to email him, but he no longer has that email address. Maybe he returned to Canada?? If anyone out there can fill me in, I'd love to know the history -- particularly of the wine.
This is Memorial Day weekend, so if any of you have loved ones who have served or who are serving now in the military, we honor you as well as them. We especially need to remember those who lost their lives in service to our country.
A few tips for using the blog... 1) Any photo may be double clicked on and enlarged. 2) The photo slideshows to the left of the blog may be double clicked on, also. When you do that, it will take you directly to the web albums, allowing you to read captions as well as enlarge the photos. 3) To comment on the blog, go to the bottom of the post and click on "Comments". A popup window will allow you to write your comment and send it to me. You may also view comments, if any, by clicking on "Comments". 4) To listen to the music, go to the music "window" to the left of the blog and click on the big arrow. Remember to have your sound on. Of course, you can always email me directly with any news or comments you wish to have published (or not - just let me know).
I look forward to hearing from some new folks. 'Til then, go out there and make the "good stuff" happen!

Runnels County Courthouse
This is a good address for you to make one of your Favorites or Bookmarks. That way you may keep up with news of this area no matter where you are. I'll place it in the left hand corner of the blog, along with other websites you may find interesting. KRUN's website keeps you up-to-date on Ballinger as well. (You can see who's holding a garage sale!)
On another note, I think I advised everyone that PEGGY (BRANHAM) KRUMLINDE'S test results were all negative. This is one time that negative is definitely "positive"!
I spoke with Carolyn, JERRY DAVIS's wife, yesterday. (He was taking a bath.) She said he was out of "critical care", and in another room at the hospital. His number is now 325-670-5626. They were preparing to remove the oxygen and hopefully allow him to return home. If you call the hospital and are unable to reach him, he may be home by the time you read this. Keep the prayers going for a complete recovery.

When I tried to locate Dr. Albert, I found a website he had in 2005. Seems he had become a personal "coach", specializing in assisting medical doctors. His bio mentioned that while he lived in Ballinger, he built a modern clinic. Is that the same clinic we have here today, located on Third Street? I tried to email him, but he no longer has that email address. Maybe he returned to Canada?? If anyone out there can fill me in, I'd love to know the history -- particularly of the wine.
This is Memorial Day weekend, so if any of you have loved ones who have served or who are serving now in the military, we honor you as well as them. We especially need to remember those who lost their lives in service to our country.
A few tips for using the blog... 1) Any photo may be double clicked on and enlarged. 2) The photo slideshows to the left of the blog may be double clicked on, also. When you do that, it will take you directly to the web albums, allowing you to read captions as well as enlarge the photos. 3) To comment on the blog, go to the bottom of the post and click on "Comments". A popup window will allow you to write your comment and send it to me. You may also view comments, if any, by clicking on "Comments". 4) To listen to the music, go to the music "window" to the left of the blog and click on the big arrow. Remember to have your sound on. Of course, you can always email me directly with any news or comments you wish to have published (or not - just let me know).
I look forward to hearing from some new folks. 'Til then, go out there and make the "good stuff" happen!

Runnels County Courthouse
The following is from June Curry in response to my query about the vineyard:
ReplyDelete"Concerning Dr. Albert and his clinic, my sister, Myldred Terry worked for him after he built that clinic out on the San Angelo Highway, close to where that motel across from the cemetery is now. He was such a cool, French Canadian doctor, and she liked him very much. He built the vineyard as a hobby and had planned to eventually expand it to a winery (I don't know if he ever did or not as he left Ballinger several years after that)."
It's interesting that someone else is now pursuing that same vineyard commercially.
In answer to June, Irene and David Batts told me someone actually did produce wine at the original vineyard years ago. They saved a bottle of the wine (may be vinegar by now!), and I believe the label says "Bluebonnet Hill Wine".. Any more info on this subject is welcome!
James Hays sent the following:
Dr. Albert was in Ballinger several years and started a local wine industry. My sister, Catherine, planted two acres of grapes, sold a few, then the deer and birds ate them up. I still have a bottle of Bluebonnet Hill white table wine that is 15 or 20 years old I am saving for ??? Albert did pretty good surgery while he was here, and moved down in the southeast Texas area years ago.
I went back to work last week, Tuesdays and Wednesdays at the Coleman office. Got bored at home.