Showing posts with label Nydah Ellet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nydah Ellet. Show all posts

Monday, March 2, 2015


PEGGY BRANHAM KRUMLINDE is benefiting from excellent medical care, and of course, from all  the prayers and good wishes sent to her from all of us.

Friday night the doctor implanted a permanent pacemaker. That, along with the removal of the ventilator and doing a tracheotomy has helped PEG progress so much that by Sunday she was sitting in a chair in her room. Surrounded by her loving family, she sat up for five hours. They said she is communicating with them "in her own way". I'm certain the trache tube presents a problem in speaking.

PEG is in the    Presbyterian Hospital, 
                         CICU, Bed 6
                         1100 Central Avenue SE 
                         Albuquerque, NM 87106

I'm sure she would love to receive cards. Please keep her and her family in your prayers. The emotional and physical strain has been great on her loved ones, as you can imagine.

Also, don't forget about NYDAH ELLET, who remains in a nursing home since the horrific car wreck that sent her there. 

May this find all of you in good health. And may all of you be warm and safe in this polar winter we are having!

Peace and love,

Thursday, September 5, 2013


NOTE: I should have mentioned this before now, but if you will click on any photo, you will be shown an enlargement of it and all of the others in the post.

If any of you guessed that the other "adventurer" I mentioned in the last blog was DENNY HILL, you were right. However, I also heard from another classmate that must be added to the list as well. His update follows this one from DENNY.

"What is up is basically that I just keep on trucking.                                         
This summer I spent my usual month in Berlin, and two months in Warsaw. In Berlin I wound up making friends with the bartender and the cook at my favorite Kneipe (tavern or pub), which is "Zosch". Many nights I stayed until after they closed around 3am, and hung out, drinking free beers with the bartender and his friends after hours, usually until 4am or later, speaking only German, joking, telling stories, etc. It is amazing how fluent one becomes after enough beers. (The picture at right is the Zosch he speaks of, and Denny is the one on the end in a blue shirt next to the red candle.)

In Warsaw I made a breakthrough. For several years I had noticed that on my Rynek (my "market square) there was a compact group of 6 or 7 degenerates who seemed to be the "regulars" at the local "watering hole" (pub). I wrongly thought they must be a snobbish group, and I wrongly thought they spoke only Polish. But this summer somehow I managed to be inducted into this group, and now we are all friends.
They are very friendly, extremely funny, making jokes all the time, and quite helpful to teach me raunchy expressions in Polish. Here is the composition of the group (aside from me, the math prof.):

1.  A garage mechanic (speaks Polish and English)
2.  A taxi driver (speaks only Polish, except when drunk, at which point he speaks any language)
3.  A Polish couple (he speaks only Polish, but she speaks Polish and Italian)
4.  A Japanese who is in Poland because he represents some big company from Tokyo which plans to build power stations in Poland to make electric power. (He speaks Japanese and English)
5.  Another Polish couple (he speaks fluent Polish, German and English), she is the lead dancer in the Warsaw version of a "Moulin Rouge" type of "Review" (she speaks Polish, English, and can do a 180 degree split standing on one leg)
6.  Another Japanese who is the CEO of all of Mitsubishi in Poland. (He speaks Japanese, Polish, and strangely, Arabic)

Now I am in Shreveport, Louisiana, visiting my mother. But on Friday I have to return home in Port Jefferson, NY, to resume teaching, etc." Best regards, DENNY


Another candidate for our daring senior citizen list is BILL KING. He wrote the following and sent photos of what might be described as his hobbies:

"I have attached some pictures that depict the aging process for me. The red Harley was at one time my most enjoyable and relaxing mode of transportation. Then after I became a little older and not so confident in riding the Harley, I had to resort to a little more manageable mode of 
two wheel transportation, my red 1954 Cushman Eagle. The Harley had to find a new home, but the Cushman is still with me, easier to handle and fun to ride. Now I am becoming a little more comfortable with four wheels under me so I have discovered my 1957 Ford Thunderbird is a little easier to keep upright, besides 1957 was a great year. I have never gotten flying totally out of my system and will take a ride anytime one is available so a couple of shots of my ride in a hot air balloon in Albuquerque, NM that was fantastic.
Hope everyone is having fun."..BILL


Class President JAMES HAYS sent the following (and is also on our daring senior citizen list):

"I still work for a living supplemented by some retirement which I re-invest, mostly in old guns. I still fly and just made a trip in my 1941 Culver Cadet airplane to Iowa for the Antique Airplane fly-in this past weekend. I also am the Brown County Health Officer 'counting cockroaches' in restaurants. Lots of fun. I am also active in the Texas State Guard (hurricanes, homeland defense, NON-FEDERAL) from which I plan to retire this year, getting too old!!!  Lost my ex-sister-in-law to cancer, Judith Hampton Martin, last month - a sad year. (So sorry for your loss, James.)
(I know this is not your Culver Cadet, JAMES, but that's you in the cockpit.)

NYDAH ELLET is still in a nursing home and really enjoys getting and answering cards and brief letters. Address: Kensington Care Center, Rm 11, 849 N. Aurora Rd., Aurora, Ohio 44202. She can't handle a telephone well since her accident but writes well.  Drop her a note."..JAMES                                         

I hear from JUNE HASH CURRY frequently. She says she doesn't do anything exciting. Most of us don't, June. However, she does play bridge twice a week. Keeps those brain cells growing! She also has two rescue dogs. I forget both of their names, but below is the cutest picture of the last one she got. This was not long after she and her son Chris brought the little one home, and it was terrified of men. Hiding behind the pillow! I think her name is Tracie.

A good friend of mine in Ballinger who has been a realtor for 30 years wrote me that a millionaire from out of town had moved there and bought quite a few of the buildings in downtown. These buildings were the old Lynn Building, the old Western Auto, the old First National Bank next to Ballinger Florist, and the Texas Theater. Dot said he is restoring all of them and plans to have a water purification system put in. She also said that the EPA keeps fining the City for not complying with regulations, so they (the City?) are putting in a "reverse osmosis" water system. She then went on to say that the City is in compliance with the EPA -- surprise! As someone who has lived all over the U.S. in my lifetime, I have to say I never experienced worse municipal water anywhere! I hope this rumor is true.

8th St. & Hutchins Avenue

This was back in March, and I haven't heard more since then. NANCY THOMPSON BAKER was aware of some work being done on downtown businesses, but not much more. If anyone knows anything about these renovations, etc., how about letting me know?

That's it for now. If anyone thinks of something to share with all of us, just send it to me. I have not started volunteer work here yet, so I have more time on my hands.

Peace and love,

Monday, February 18, 2013

I have been so busy with my dad's affairs as well as moving to my new home in Austin that I got behind and thought it was about time to do an update or two. I recently wrote JAMES HAYS to inquire about NYDAH ELLET's condition. This is his reply:

"NYDAH has actually dictated two letters or rather notes to me.  The writer on the first one didn't spell her name correctly, so she printed her name correctly, very shakily, but legible, barely.  The second was written by a feminine hand.. She said she enjoyed getting letters and notes from friends, and she is still at the Aurora, Ohio address.  She can dictate letters for someone else to write.  I think her daughter Donna helps her write. Her address is the same:

Kensington Care Center
Room 11
849 N. Aurora Rd.
Aurora, OH

Saw JERRY PIEL STEEL today.  She has changed very little over the years.

I am still working 30 hours a week, still help out in the State Guard, and I am the County Health Officer (cockroach counter)."
Back in October I inquired about TERRY COTHRAN's son Kelly. This was his reply then:

"Kelly has had two surgeries to correct one of his problems, the first one didn't work for him but the second one seems to be working so far. He is still trying to get The VA to reschedule the surgery on his right ankle. He is at the point now where he has a really tough time walking on that right foot. We are still waiting for the VA and Social Security to come through with some money." (Kelly has been unable to work due to his medical condition.)

 About a month later, TER wrote:

"Kelly is doing better since the last operation to correct (some of) his problems.. He is now functioning fairly normally.. He is still waiting for the VA to come through with the surgery on his ankle. It is very painful for him to walk and he uses a cane. He still has no income."

About a week ago, when the big blizzard hit the east coast, I saw where over 8,000 people on Long Island were without power. I emailed DENNY HILL in hopes he wasn't one of them. This is his reply:

"Actually I am snug as a bug, holed up in my house. For me there was no problem, because on Thursday I bought food for a few days and put my car in the garage. I did not lose power, internet or cable TV. The only mild thing is that the snow drifted up to my *** against my back door, so I had to dig it out just to exit from my house. (I got almost 3 ft of snow in  my back yard.) I am not even going to attempt to dig out my driveway, I'll just leave my car in the garage for a while. (I can take a bus to the university and back on those days when I have to teach..) Probably in a week or so the snow will have melted down to where you don't have to shovel it. I am a lazy dude."

We don't have to rub it in to DENNY the fact that we have had so many days (like today) of temperatures in the 70s and even 80s here in Texas!

I have some really neat photos of DENNY's flat (we call them apartments) he lives in during his summer stay in Poland. I'll try to get them posted before long. Here is the street where he lives while there:

I mistakenly posted the wrong photo of the street where DENNY lives when he is in Poland. He corrected me and sent the following: 
"This is my street. My place is way down at the end on the left, where you can barely see some umbrellas. So the shot is taken about one block from my place, looking down the street. But it is OK, because at least you can see how the buildings, etc. look.


Last October PEGGY BRANHAM KRUMLINDE and her husband Guenter took a Mediterranean cruise. One of their stops was Rome, Italy. Here they are at St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. She sent me a link to her photos of the whole trip, and it appears they had a wonderful time visiting many interesting places. A trip of a lifetime.


Speaking of cruises, I'm sure all of you heard about the recent nightmare Carnival cruise. I kept thinking the ship's name sounded familiar. Sure enough, it was the Triumph! That's the same ship I cruised on with my daughter Carajean and her family in 2006! When I told her about it, her response was "Timing is everything!"


I have a couple of requests before I close. There are two of our classmates that I have been wondering about. One is PAUL MOTA. The other is CHARLES FIKES. PAUL's emails were returned and I just haven't had a joke sent to me by CHARLES in a long while. If anyone of you knows the whereabouts of them lately, as well as BARBARA SHARPES BROOKS, I would like to hear from you.

Until next time...

May all of the "stuff" happening in your life be "good"!

Peace and love,

Monday, April 30, 2012

Emergency Prayers Needed

James Hays sent the following email to me yesterday. I'm sorry I didn't get this out to everyone sooner, but my internet service was down for three days. I just now got back online. Needless to say, we will hold her in our prayers. Peace and love, Marilyn

"Nydah Ellet was badly injured in a car wreck ten days ago.  She is in room 459B at Akron City Hospital, 55 Arch St., Akron Ohio 44304.  She is presently unable to manage a phone, but the hospital # is 330 375-4666.  I'm sure that cards and prayers would be appreciated.  I'll try to keep you posted on her condition."