Showing posts with label BHS Class of '57. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BHS Class of '57. Show all posts

Saturday, July 4, 2020

GOOD STUFF (and Not So Good Stuff)

"The eighth-century Chinese Zen master P'an-shan had his first satori (enlightenment-glimpse) while walking through a marketplace. He overheard a customer tell the butcher, 'Cut me some of the good stuff'; the butcher replied, 'Hey, take a look -- nothing but good stuff!' This was just the catalyst P'an-shan needed. He took a look, perhaps, at the ground, the sky, the people in their bustle of buying and selling . . . and everywhere he saw nothing but good stuff."— Dean Sluyter in Why the Chicken Crossed the Road and Other Hidden Enlightenment Teachings from the Buddha to Bebop to Mother Goose 

Unfortunately, we all know that someone walking through a Chinese marketplace last December or January probably saw and picked up the coronavirus from one of the vendors. That was the beginning of the terrible spread of what is now known as COVID-19. That certainly was not "good stuff"! 

I have not heard from many of you since I emailed and requested news a few days ago. I am hoping none of you who didn't respond has any health issues. If this is not true, I hope someone will let me know so we can pray for you. I believe that most of you remain in your homes as I do, and if you have to venture out that you observe social distancing and are wearing masks. At our ages, we must take extra care.
I can always count on JAMES HAYS to keep me informed (with a little bit of humor). It's nice to know he is still in good health since he has to deal with COVID-19 cases in the county. He sent this:
  "I have been earning the beer money that the county pays me for being County Health Authority. I was feeling guilty for signing my name every two weeks. We have had 87 cases of COVID-19 in Brown County so far and 11 deaths. Currently we have 22 active cases, the rest 'graduated' one way or the other. You can't cure stupidity, but you can't quarantine it very well either. We are seeing younger people with it now because we can't afford our precious allocation of tests on contacts who are non-symptomatic.
  "I have been told that the homecoming game will be September 11th. Someone correct me if I am wrong. I hope we can get together for the all-school reunion. I am trying to be optimistic about it. Let me hear from you.
  "News:  Jerri (Piel) Steel has about recovered from a broken hip and is driving now, doing well.  Her husband died a few years back, but she has a strong family who took good care of her."

TRUMAN CONNER has been playing golf - which is one of the safest places one can be outdoors today - a couple of times a week as well as swimming at his club. They have separate lanes to swim in and a private locker room and shower. That was a few days ago before the newest restrictions have been issued from Governor Abbott. He has been doing shopping for groceries and such and sent me this photo awhile back. Love the Hawaiian shirt!
I debated on whether or not to include the following "little" story on myself. Although it might have been a "not so good stuff" at first, it has a happy ending. This happened on Friday, June 12th. Some of you have already read this when I shared it via email. A concentrator is equipment that runs on electricity to deliver oxygen via tubing I can run throughout my house. When going out, I have  small oxygen tanks I keep to use as needed. 
PerfectO2 V IRC5PO2V Invacare Oxygen Concentrators with Sensor
"As I've been having more difficulty breathing lately I have been using my oxygen concentrator daily. Around 2 or 2:30, I was sitting in the living room eating leftover fried chicken son Craig brought the night before when the power again went off (it had gone off at 7:30 am, but came back on immediately). This time it didn't come back on. I immediately thought I had no phone service (it's an internet phone) and started to get a little panicky. I remembered my 'Obama cell phone', but first had to get into my closet files to find an electric bill with the 'outage' number on it. I started getting a little more panicky, as my tanks of oxygen were in the other room, and I wasn't sure if the one hooked up had very much oxygen left. And my little phone showed the battery was getting low!

"I found the number and called. It took awhile for me to give all the information the young man needed and I was getting breathless (stress makes it worse). He couldn't see a problem for our area and asked me if I had anyone I could have come help me for now. I told him I had a son nearby. He told me to get on my backup oxygen and call my son to come check the breakers (I didn't tell him I could do that, as I was anxious to get on oxygen). He told me again to get on my backup and call my son right away, and he would have the electric company come out. He was running a check on my meter, too, to see if that was the problem.

"I went to the bedroom and was picking up that d*** heavy tank and trying to get it turned on, looking for Matt's number on the little cell phone.. by now I was really breathless. I think I might have even laid the phone down while putting on my other cannula, hooking up to blessed oxygen.. Matt said 'call 911' and I told him no, it was the electricity and I had talked to them and they were on
their way. What I wanted to convey was I wanted him to come over and hook up the largest oxygen tank for me in case the power was off very long. I guess I didn't get that across. Because, as you all know, in a very few minutes my house looked like this (at right):

"Apparently, son Matthew called 911. These guys were absolutely amazing. So professional, kind, and friendly. They did a thorough job of checking me out, running tests, and staying there for quite a long time. Neighbors came and offered help. Judy told us the whole area was blacked out and the electric company was working on a transformer that went out.  The EMTs asked all the right questions, kept me on a monitor the whole time they were here (even took my temp), and they wore their face masks. I apologized to them and said I did not want to go to the hospital. (They laughed.) What sweethearts! As soon as I'm able I'm going to bake them some chocolate chip cookies so Matt can take to them. Matthew deserves some, too, as I could not have managed any of the afternoon without his help. 

"My wonderful new neighbor, Erick and his wife offered to help. He just happened to have a generator. He and Matthew ran a cord over to my concentrator! I would now have plenty of oxygen until the electricity came back on, which it soon did. Now the EMTs could leave and get in their van with blessed a/c!"
Not So Good Stuff (prayers and condolences needed):

Hi Marilyn ~ I don’t have pictures but here's an update on my family- My youngest daughter lives in Austin and she tested positive for virus ~ she is at home getting better ~ prayers for complete healing please ~ Thank you. Have a blessed day . JERRI PIEL STEEL

JUNE HASH CURRY had a sad occurrence in one of her granddaughters' family. The seven (7) year-old-son of granddaughter Danielle was visiting another grandmother when he fell ill and suddenly passed away. This was a very traumatic event for the family. JUNE's son Scott took her to the funeral in Missouri... a very painful trip for JUNE both physically and emotionally. She is concerned about Danielle and requests prayers for her as she grieves for her young son. Please send your prayers for JUNE as well. Our condolences to all.

I hope to hear from more of you soon. I try really hard not to "worry".... "What you hold in your thoughts you create in your world!".. but in times like these it is more difficult to think positive.

Peace, Love, and good health,

Tuesday, August 28, 2018


At the memorial service for our classmate GLENN SMITH, his long-time friend JERRY EOFF delivered his eulogy. NANCY told me it was a wonderful tribute to GLENN's life. I asked JERRY to please allow me to post it here, and he gave me his permission. I was told he came all the way from Arkansas to deliver it. Not knowing he and his wife Shirley had moved, I asked him about that as well. His response was so humorous I have to share it.  The eulogy is very lengthy, so I will post it in two parts. 

"I am currently practicing being a goat herding cowboy on a 280 acre farm (with no cultivation) 2 miles north of Lincoln, AR. Ideal location, on top of a ridge that would overlook part of a lake 200 ft. below, if it could be seen, (This country has a severe pest disease called "trees everywhere syndrome").

Editor: JERRY, you know, "goat yoga" is all the rage now. You could put those goats to good use. However, Shirley, as you have had back surgery, I believe you should abstain from this exercise!

"We are currently living in limbo. We did sell our house in Alpine. A nephew offered an empty farm house in NW Arkansas, 8 miles from OK state line, to us, rent free (with the option of opening gates for stock transfer every 3 days). We decided to try it for a year or so, then decide whether to stay there, or maybe buy a 'Patio Home' at Rio Concho Manor in San Angelo. Being Texians, we preserved our heritage by taking official residence in Ballinger for the time being, while on a long term visit with the nephew. So far, we learned we would trade our former dwelling which was tick free, chigger free, and nearly mosquito free, where I mowed the grass once or twice a summer to having an abundance of all three previously named pests as well as grass that should be mowed a time or two a week. By observation I have come to believe that the National Pastime of Arkansas is motorized lawn mower riding. I suspect that there must be an arena somewhere around for contests. As for this yard, the goats and cattle have been let in twice this summer to graze it down, while Shirley and I recuperate from her back surgery that was finally achieved in May.

"Here is a copy of the eulogy. It seems a bit long for the blog, but use it if you wish. I designed it primarily to give his adopted son (Jeff) some insight on how Glenn came to be Glenn.

  Leonard Glenn Smith - Part I

"For those who may not know or recognize me, my name is Jerry Eoff. It was requested that I give a eulogy for Glenn on this occasion.

"I have considered Glenn to have been my best friend for over 68 years, even though there was a period of thirty years during which there was almost no communication between us. Because of that time gap, I do not feel that I can do justice to his whole life, so I will use the period during which I knew him best to try to give some idea of what happened along the way to shape the man he became. Those of you who knew him at other times in his life may have known a different person, but this is the way I knew him. 

"I will apologize ahead of time for using the term 'we' frequently when I am supposed to be talking about him. Nearly all the things I mention, we did together. And 'we' just comes naturally. 

"First I will mention his integrity. I have to admit that there might have been just a hint of mischief along the way, but I never knew of Glenn doing a dishonest thing. He may have inherited his ideals from his father, Leonard Frank Smith. Mr. Smith was a farmer on Elm Creek north of Ballinger. When I read the book by Elmer Kelton entitled THE TIME IT NEVER RAINED, I immediately compared the principle character with Mr. Smith. We grew up during the height of THE DROUGHT, and no one of our generation has to ask 'which drought are you talking about?' For seven successive years, crops failed, there was no grass in the pastures, and very little hay to be bailed. Emergency government aid became available for the area agriculture industry and Frank Smith would not take it, even though most area farmers did so. He would have had to sign a statement that he just couldn’t get along without help. He felt that he would be signing to a lie to do so.
9th Street Church of Christ Today
"Even though we were both in the Ballinger High School Class of 1957, I did not know him until his family began attending services at the Eighth Street Church of Christ, which was located where the First Baptist Church building is located. 

"We hit it off pretty well and it became almost standard that I would go eat Sunday lunch with the Smiths and we would pursue whatever country entertainment suited our fancy at the moment. As we became mature enough to be trusted with rifles, it became standard that we would eat lunch and grab our .22s and head for the pasture to try to thin the population of jackrabbits. Every red-blooded Runnels County boy knew it was his duty to eliminate the jackrabbits that were destroying the already almost non-existent cotton crops. We had little effect on the rabbit population, but it gave us a head start on mastering firearms in preparation for the upcoming war with Russia and/or Red China that everyone knew was right around the corner. In the meantime we were taking every science and math course available to us.
Bruce Field
"In 1954, we each took the $6 required to pay for an hour in an airplane and went to Bruce Field. We each were able to fly with J. W. Longenette and take aerial photos of Ballinger and the Smith farm. Glenn was taken by the flying bug and began taking lessons. By this time Mr. Longenette had moved his operations to Mathis Field in San Angelo. Glenn availed on my mother to take him to Mathis when she was taking me to the orthodontist. This route was closed to him when my mother found out that his folks did not know he was taking lessons. He did go on and get his private license and owned several airplanes through the years. 

"Glenn got interested in photography about that time. Photos made by him can be found in the school annuals in that period. It led to some interesting nighttime shoots that will not be further discussed. Take a look at his Facebook page to see some striking photos of doors in Mexico. 

"Glenn became interested in the use of hypnosis from associating with my father, Dr. J. Dexter Eoff. Dr. Eoff and Dr. Lloyd Downing, then a medical doctor in general practice in Ballinger, took hypnosis courses in Abilene, to be used in their respective practices. Glenn became a certified hypnotist, and helped people even in distant places by using Skype to chat with them.

"Glenn wrote his first article for pay when he entered a contest sponsored by the local medical society using the subject of socialized medicine. I believe he won a $25 first prize." 



*Goats and Soda is the name of the NPR blog which tells stories of life in our changing world. Check it out: NPR Blog

Saturday, August 5, 2017


A lot of you in the Class of '57 are probably on Facebook, so some of the news I put on here is old news to you. However, I am not on that site, so I have to depend on your letting me know when there is illness, death, or anything you wish me and the class to know. We especially need to know when prayers are needed for you or any of your family.

I did hear belatedly that DORIS STOKES WHITE broke a leg awhile back, and unfortunately, broke it a second time. I hope by now she is on the mend for good.
VIRGINIA EGAN's husband Mike has been on dialysis for quite some time. Recently he had a terrible thing happen to him while undergoing a dialysis treatment. When I emailed VIRGINIA to ask about him, she sent the following:

"It has been a rough three weeks. The dialysis center got air in the line causing an air embolism which is dangerous. This put him in ICU. The next day they decided to do more testing and did 4 bypasses. After being home a few days, we went back to the emergency room. He had developed 4 ulcers due to aspirin given after surgery. Had to have 7 units of blood. Stayed in hospital six days. During this time I tripped over our kitten in the garage and hit my head. After a Cat Scan the doctor said I have a hard head. Mike agreed. He's home recovering and we are praying for no complications.We have not been in the hospital in years. We are still coping with dialysis during this time. Looking forward to the reunion and catching up with everyone. ...VIRGINIA HARRAL EGAN

I had to laugh about VIRGINIA's "hard head". Let's join her in praying that Mike has no more complications, and that she steers clear of that little kitten.

The 60th reunion of the class of  '57 is getting close. Friday and Saturday, October 6 and 7. As this is not Homecoming weekend, there should be no problem getting motel reservations. There is a home football game Friday night with Mason.

I have a bottle of Ballinger Bluebonnet wine to toast those who have “gone West”, and those of us who are still here during the festivities. Anybody else have some?"... JAMES HAYS 

Back in June I asked JAMES how he was doing after the back surgery he had. He replied: "My back is doing well. I just have to keep wearing this corset for another 2-3 weeks. (Let the record show that there is no lace on it.) My biggest problem is that my right knee is too worn out to walk as far as I need to for back rehab. One should wear out in only one place at a time. I was told not to lift more than ten pounds but I snuck the old Sharps rifle that I just restored in as it weighs 11.5 pounds. But, alas, I cannot pick cotton anymore."  By now, I hope you are out of that corset, JAMES. Many of us might relate to worn-out knees!

I also heard through the grapevine that PATSY BERRY BOMAR had recent back surgery. I am hoping she has been recovering at least as well as JAMES.

Until next time, take care of dem bones!

Peace and Love,

Sunday, June 18, 2017


I got an interesting email this morning from someone who served in the San Angelo Police Department with one of our former classmates, the late JOHN WAYNE WATKINS. I had posted his obituary at the time of his passing, and although I copied it from the newspaper, I was unable at the time to copy his photograph:


He went by his middle name, WAYNE, when he was in high school. His friend sent me the following photos:

He shared the above newspaper clipping that gives a little insight into Wayne's life in 1962-1964. This states that he was in shore patrol duty while in the Navy. He had served on the USS Princeton, and was stationed at the Barber's Point Naval Air Station in Hawaii. The years he served were oddly enough close to the time that BOB HOLLIS was in the Navy in Hawaii. Wonder if their paths might have crossed...?

My thanks to Joe Fields, who sent this information to me. He found our blog on the internet; and said he has a memorial for WAYNE on the website Find A Grave. I've used the site several times doing genealogical research.


Friday, May 15, 2015

A Not-So-Gentle Reminder

I didn't save the site where I found this poem, but I saved the poem as it has been something I can relate to in my own life. Maybe you can as well.

Around the corner I have a friend,
In this great city that has no end,
Yet the days go by and weeks rush on,
And before I know it, a year is gone. And I never see my old friend's face,
For life is a swift and terrible race,
He knows I like him just as well,
As in the days when I rang his bell. And he rang mine but we were younger then,
And now we are busy, tired men.
Tired of playing a foolish game,
Tired of trying to make a name."Tomorrow" I say! "I will call on Jim
Just to show that I'm thinking of him."
But tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes,
And distance between us grows and grows. Around the corner, yet miles away,"Here's a telegram sir," 
"Jim died today."
And that's what we get and deserve in the end.
Around the corner, a vanished friend.  ...............Anonymous

Having connected with more than one "old friend", I realize that we all need to do this frequently. Why not start today by sharing more of your life with your friends from Ballinger High School? Send me your recent photos and the latest news in your life or your children/grandchildren's lives. And most importantly...

Call or write to an old friend today!


Friday, January 31, 2014


Today I received the following email from DOTTIE BISHOP ROGERS that I know you will get a kick out of:
"I continue to be amazed at all the work you put in for all of us. Thank you again, and a special thanks for all the news about so many of our flock who have gone on. We cannot help but remember them at this time and kick ourselves for not thinking of them more often. My prayers go out to all those who are grieving at this time and prayers for those who are suffering from maladies. I can only close my eyes and say a prayer of thanks for the wonderful life I am living. My children are with me so much, l am in good health, and yes, I am certainly still having fun.  

A little note of smiles: my son Greg who has a welding company here was called by a friend a few weeks ago and was asked for a recent photograph. He complied and before days end a movie company working in Old Tucson called and asked if he would come and become part of the company. Now Greg is 6’3”, 198 lbs., dark wavy hair, and a graying beard and mustache. He was hired immediately (we think because he can ride a horse). He plays a bad guy with a huge scar on his face. The title of the event is DEAD MEN, THE SERIES. You can look it up on the internet. He is having a ball. He will only have one line in this film, but has been asked to be in a movie being shot there in  a few months.

We all tease him unmercifully , but he is a good sport. It is a fun recess from all the work he does welding. We tease, but we are so proud of him. Who knew!!!" Love to all of you, DOTTIE

We can't wait to hear what other movie he will appear in, DOTTIE. Please keep us informed.
We mothers and grandmothers have such fun watching our kids grow, achieve, and even perform, don't we? Which reminds me.. my younger son Matthew has his own business and works out of his home. He can pretty much set his own schedule most of the time. He and I usually like the same movies and TV shows, and the past few months we've enjoyed the new NBC TV series REVOLUTION. It is set in the future, when the United States has suffered a blackout that left the entire country without electrical power. Different pockets of rebellion set up across the U.S. as groups try to gain control of the government. Of course, it is not possible that this could happen in the U.S. -- or is it?
By accident, I found out that they were filming this series in and around Austin. On a lark, Matthew answered a call for extras to be in the series. He sent photos and they called him throughout the month of December. As it was the end of year he was busy with his own work, closing out his year, and couldn't work for them.  He finally got to report for two days of shooting, although one day the weather kept them from doing so. He plays a Marine Commander at Gitmo (I guess it still operates in the future!), and although he speaks, it is without a microphone. I'm hoping he gets to have more of a role in the future. He just had a good time hanging out with all our favorite stars from the series. They don't allow people (like moms and wives, drats) on their sets, and no cameras. He had another extra take the photo above with his cell phone.

Now Matthew doesn't ride a horse, but he has ridden quite a few motorcycles and ATVs. He even did a commercial for a large car dealership in Austin. He wears a big hat in this one, and doesn't get to show his face, but again, he had lots of fun doing this when he was on a motorcycle trip in Big Bend. Turn your speakers on to watch this video. Needless to say, the guy at the end is not Matthew, but Cecil, the owner of the dealership.

Now all of you mothers and grandmothers out there, send me your bragging rights so we can all share in the fun. New photos are welcome, too.

Peace and love,

Saturday, September 21, 2013


September 20, 2013

Jerry Ann Pruser Eaton

Jerry Ann Eaton, 74, passed away in Weatherford Sept. 17, 2013, with her family at her side. Ann was a beloved mother, sister, grandmother and friend to many.
She was born in Ballinger on Sept. 28, 1938, to Oscar and Velera (Fox) Pruser.
Ann retired as a secretary in the Oil & Gas industry, but also worked for many local businesses after her retirement, Baum Carlock Bumgardner being one of them. She was a very strong supporter in all of her organizations she was involved in such as The Catholic Daughters, American Legion and Desk & Derrick.
She is survived by her sons Norman Eaton, Dwain and wife Joy Eaton; sister Kay and her husband Fred Smith; granddaughter Scarlett Eaton and grandson Andy Farr; nephews Brad, Michelle and Thomas Smith of Dallas, and Gauntt, Keren and Halley Smith of Seattle, Wash.; and numerous cousins.
She was preceded in death by husband Riley Dwain Eaton in 1982.

Rosary will be at 6:30 Friday, Sept. 20, at Baum Carlock Bumgardner Funeral home in Mineral Wells. The Funeral Mass will be held at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church Sept. 21 at 10 a.m.
Condolences may be left at
Baum-Carlock-Bumgardner Funeral Home
Until we meet again...
Love and peace,

Thursday, September 5, 2013


NOTE: I should have mentioned this before now, but if you will click on any photo, you will be shown an enlargement of it and all of the others in the post.

If any of you guessed that the other "adventurer" I mentioned in the last blog was DENNY HILL, you were right. However, I also heard from another classmate that must be added to the list as well. His update follows this one from DENNY.

"What is up is basically that I just keep on trucking.                                         
This summer I spent my usual month in Berlin, and two months in Warsaw. In Berlin I wound up making friends with the bartender and the cook at my favorite Kneipe (tavern or pub), which is "Zosch". Many nights I stayed until after they closed around 3am, and hung out, drinking free beers with the bartender and his friends after hours, usually until 4am or later, speaking only German, joking, telling stories, etc. It is amazing how fluent one becomes after enough beers. (The picture at right is the Zosch he speaks of, and Denny is the one on the end in a blue shirt next to the red candle.)

In Warsaw I made a breakthrough. For several years I had noticed that on my Rynek (my "market square) there was a compact group of 6 or 7 degenerates who seemed to be the "regulars" at the local "watering hole" (pub). I wrongly thought they must be a snobbish group, and I wrongly thought they spoke only Polish. But this summer somehow I managed to be inducted into this group, and now we are all friends.
They are very friendly, extremely funny, making jokes all the time, and quite helpful to teach me raunchy expressions in Polish. Here is the composition of the group (aside from me, the math prof.):

1.  A garage mechanic (speaks Polish and English)
2.  A taxi driver (speaks only Polish, except when drunk, at which point he speaks any language)
3.  A Polish couple (he speaks only Polish, but she speaks Polish and Italian)
4.  A Japanese who is in Poland because he represents some big company from Tokyo which plans to build power stations in Poland to make electric power. (He speaks Japanese and English)
5.  Another Polish couple (he speaks fluent Polish, German and English), she is the lead dancer in the Warsaw version of a "Moulin Rouge" type of "Review" (she speaks Polish, English, and can do a 180 degree split standing on one leg)
6.  Another Japanese who is the CEO of all of Mitsubishi in Poland. (He speaks Japanese, Polish, and strangely, Arabic)

Now I am in Shreveport, Louisiana, visiting my mother. But on Friday I have to return home in Port Jefferson, NY, to resume teaching, etc." Best regards, DENNY


Another candidate for our daring senior citizen list is BILL KING. He wrote the following and sent photos of what might be described as his hobbies:

"I have attached some pictures that depict the aging process for me. The red Harley was at one time my most enjoyable and relaxing mode of transportation. Then after I became a little older and not so confident in riding the Harley, I had to resort to a little more manageable mode of 
two wheel transportation, my red 1954 Cushman Eagle. The Harley had to find a new home, but the Cushman is still with me, easier to handle and fun to ride. Now I am becoming a little more comfortable with four wheels under me so I have discovered my 1957 Ford Thunderbird is a little easier to keep upright, besides 1957 was a great year. I have never gotten flying totally out of my system and will take a ride anytime one is available so a couple of shots of my ride in a hot air balloon in Albuquerque, NM that was fantastic.
Hope everyone is having fun."..BILL


Class President JAMES HAYS sent the following (and is also on our daring senior citizen list):

"I still work for a living supplemented by some retirement which I re-invest, mostly in old guns. I still fly and just made a trip in my 1941 Culver Cadet airplane to Iowa for the Antique Airplane fly-in this past weekend. I also am the Brown County Health Officer 'counting cockroaches' in restaurants. Lots of fun. I am also active in the Texas State Guard (hurricanes, homeland defense, NON-FEDERAL) from which I plan to retire this year, getting too old!!!  Lost my ex-sister-in-law to cancer, Judith Hampton Martin, last month - a sad year. (So sorry for your loss, James.)
(I know this is not your Culver Cadet, JAMES, but that's you in the cockpit.)

NYDAH ELLET is still in a nursing home and really enjoys getting and answering cards and brief letters. Address: Kensington Care Center, Rm 11, 849 N. Aurora Rd., Aurora, Ohio 44202. She can't handle a telephone well since her accident but writes well.  Drop her a note."..JAMES                                         

I hear from JUNE HASH CURRY frequently. She says she doesn't do anything exciting. Most of us don't, June. However, she does play bridge twice a week. Keeps those brain cells growing! She also has two rescue dogs. I forget both of their names, but below is the cutest picture of the last one she got. This was not long after she and her son Chris brought the little one home, and it was terrified of men. Hiding behind the pillow! I think her name is Tracie.

A good friend of mine in Ballinger who has been a realtor for 30 years wrote me that a millionaire from out of town had moved there and bought quite a few of the buildings in downtown. These buildings were the old Lynn Building, the old Western Auto, the old First National Bank next to Ballinger Florist, and the Texas Theater. Dot said he is restoring all of them and plans to have a water purification system put in. She also said that the EPA keeps fining the City for not complying with regulations, so they (the City?) are putting in a "reverse osmosis" water system. She then went on to say that the City is in compliance with the EPA -- surprise! As someone who has lived all over the U.S. in my lifetime, I have to say I never experienced worse municipal water anywhere! I hope this rumor is true.

8th St. & Hutchins Avenue

This was back in March, and I haven't heard more since then. NANCY THOMPSON BAKER was aware of some work being done on downtown businesses, but not much more. If anyone knows anything about these renovations, etc., how about letting me know?

That's it for now. If anyone thinks of something to share with all of us, just send it to me. I have not started volunteer work here yet, so I have more time on my hands.

Peace and love,

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


My recent request for news to publish on the class blog produced a few results. A couple of them are a little lengthy, so I will probably do them in two different posts. Thus, it will give those of you who haven't submitted anything a chance to do so. Also, for the most part, I don't have any recent individual pictures of you all. But then, maybe we would all rather be remembered as we looked at whatever last reunion we attended! I'm just sayin'.

PAUL MOTA was the first to respond. Thanks, Paul. Here's what he had to say:
"I only have mostly good news. Nothing much here. I am still retired, and just not doing much. My main problem is not pushing back from the table (PAUL, I think I remember you said that once before!), but otherwise I am in pretty good health - thanks to God. I have a trip to Las Vegas coming up next month. That's about it. My wife is in great shape - much better shape than I am. I wish I had more dramatic stories to tell you, but all is well. My daughter and her husband and the two grandchildren are still in the Houston area and all are fine."
DOTTIE BISHOP ROGERS, as usual, is not letting retirement grow boring. She said:
"Hey, it's so good to hear from you! Are you still enjoying those grandkids? (Me:Yes!) Mine are all doing well and so am I.

I went a little crazy last year and returned to teaching. Thank goodness, I came to my senses and re-retired. I have to say, unfortunately, it was not a good experience. I had been so blessed at the Texas schools in which I taught, I was fully unaware of the caliber of this school in Willcox, Arizona. I had some wonderful students, but those fifteen or twenty 'bad apples' sure spoiled the basket. I went into that school with the enthusiasm of one twenty years younger than I was, and I came out of the situation totally feeling my real age. Shriek!
(Downtown Willcox, AZ - Population 3,757)
On a good note, Larry and I motor-homed across Texas -- well, that was our initial plan, but we did enjoy the ten days we had even if the A/C went out, a water line burst in the motor home, we had two violent storms...we made it through unscathed and laughed. Of course, Larry immediately put the motor home on sale upon our return, but we played some super golf courses and it was fun. Since coming home, I have just done a few things around my house and am volunteering at the golf course." 

Now, DOTTIE, surely on such a fun, eventful trip you took some photos you can share?
As we all know, we have a couple of real "adventurers" in our class who are still stepping out of the bounds of what most seniors their ages do. I've heard from both of them. Some of you who are on Facebook already know that GLENN SMITH is one of them. GLENN had this bit of news
"On the last day of April, I loaded my two dogs and myself and drove to Mexico. Took me four days to reach Ajijic where I am living. I have posted on Facebook a bunch of photos that I took here. They are under the name LEONARD GLENN SMITH. I'll be glad to become a 'friend' of any class member not already listed in that category.

As for my reason for the move - well that was multifaceted. I can't think of how to explain it briefly. I enjoyed the time in Ballinger and everyone was very nice to me there."

I questioned GLENN a little more about the place where he lives and he sent more info:
"Mexico is a little cheaper than the United States. Ajijic (I can't imagine how to pronounce this!) is more expensive than many similar sized Mexican towns, because lots of people have come from Canada and the States, and many of them are retired with enough money to inflate prices by spending more than the local economy was accustomed to."

In case any of you are interested and daring enough to move to Mexico, here's a little breakdown of the costs he sent:
"I pay $550 a month for a 2-bedroom, 2-bath furnished house. My internet and local phone cost $50 a month. Electricity is around $20 because no heat or air conditioning is needed. (Wow! imagine no a/c in the 100+ temperatures most of us in Texas have had this summer!) I have a gas water heater and stove. Gas costs about $25 a month. I have a washing machine, but no dryer is needed because afternoons are sunny and the air is not humid, so hanging clothes to dry is natural and effective. I don't have TV, but cable is available and costs are similar to 
(Photo at left is the entrance to his rented house with one of his dogs peering out. The one at right is a door near his house.)

the States. I have a car but haven't filled the gas tank since I arrived here four months ago. I walk to one of six places for breakfast every day. Eggs, toast, beans, jelly, and coffee cost about $5-$7, tip included. Walmart is a ten minute drive. Computers and TVs cost 50% more than in the U.S. Food costs on average about the same as if one were living in the States." 

Let's see how many of you can guess who the other "adventurer" is who will share his/her news with us in the next blog post. I hope to have an update on NYDAH ELLET in it as well. 

Also, I will share a rumor of a mystery millionaire who's supposedly bought up many of the old buildings in downtown Ballinger and is renovating them. If anyone has the latest news on his project - which he stated he is doing because he needs a tax break - send me what you know.

Until next time, send me all the news you wish to share.

Peace, and may all your news be "good stuff",