Wednesday, October 24, 2007

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  1. Hi, Marilyn,

    Thanks for the great information. You are doing such a terrific job keeping up with individuals in our class.

    I appreciate your efforts so much.


  2. Hi, again.

    I just came back from going out to lunch with friends from B'nai Emunah (the synagogue where I last worked) and had such a good time. I haven't been out very much except occasionally to church, so this was a real treat.

    It is a beautiful day in Tulsa, very cool and crisp, and very soon leaves of every imaginable color will be drifting down in a delightful fall ballet. Tulsa is at its most gorgeous in the Spring and Fall, and I shall miss it when I move to Oklahoma City.

    My house is listed with a realtor, and hopefully someone will come along who cannot possible live without it very soon.

    I hope your day has been as delightful as the one I am having.

