Monday, October 29, 2007


I hoped by now more of you would be sending me more news and/or comments. I really don't want this to be a "Marilyn Page". It's been pointed out to me that the instructions might be a little confusing. At the bottom of each new message, there are two ways you can respond if you'd like to. One is to click on comments and add a comment about the piece (or anything you'd like to comment on). You may have to sign up for a Google account. Nothing to that... I've had a gmail account with them for two years (all free, of course) and have really enjoyed it as well as the photo manager they have called Picasa, which is also free.

When you "post" a comment, it can be read by everyone. However, if you click on the little envelope, you can send me a private email. You can let me know if you wish to have your emails placed on the page, and I will do that for you.

I know we have lots of talented writers out there. Remember, I put together all of your autobiographies and stories! Now's the time to tell us more! Old stuff or new stuff. We want to hear.

One brief bit of news. Peggy Sharp is doing so well she even went to lunch at Alejandra's with her sons yesterday. She is to see the doctors this morning for a post op checkup. I plan to go out to her place tomorrow, so if any of you have any messages, let me know. (Of course, she can always be reached by telephone.) Peggy is not online -- yet! I'm going to work on that.

Nancy and Jake Baker have returned from Las Vegas. The only thing she said was they didn't win! This was the trip they had planned last August, when Jake was waylaid by a massive heart attack. The fact that they were able to make this trip now makes them "winners" in my book.

We are having such beautiful fall weather, I must get outdoors today. My flower beds beckon, and I need to pick up more pecans before the squirrels squirrel them away!

'Til next time..

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again, Marilyn, for that update. It sounds as if Peggy is doing particularly well. Good for her.

    Hurry out and beat the squirrels!!

