The following comment by Jerry Eoff is too good to hide in the comments box, so I am printing it here to make certain we all get his great history lesson!
"You're correct on the old location of the Grill. It was on the Hutchins side of the Texas and Daugherty's Drug was on the Railroad side. They were both actually within the theater building and of course went with the fire in or about 1962. I bought many a dime comic book through the drugstore window rack and sat through many coffee break conversations between Dad and R. D. Travis when their cars were the only ones parked on the street at night while work was being done.
I would guess that whoever questioned your memory on the location didn't know that the building that now has the Texas sign was the Palace theater back in those days and the Texas was across the street in the now vacant space. After a year or so in Dallas I had just come to appreciate that the Texas was actually a fairly nice theater on a small scale."
I would guess that whoever questioned your memory on the location didn't know that the building that now has the Texas sign was the Palace theater back in those days and the Texas was across the street in the now vacant space. After a year or so in Dallas I had just come to appreciate that the Texas was actually a fairly nice theater on a small scale."
Many wonderfull burgers , fries & cherry cokes were consumed @ the Texas Grill ! Lets dont forget the old drive in picture show ! Especially the dollar a car load nights ! Friday nights will never be the same ! The old gangs long gone ! But the memories lives on ! Curtis Green