We all remember the Texas Grill. Of course, it wasn't on this particular corner when I used to frequent it. Can anyone tell me its exact location when we were in high school? I thought it was next to the old Texas theater, but I was told that wasn't so.
There are so many landmarks, buildings, signs, and even businesses left over from our era. I believe they add to the flavor and nostalgia of the little town of Ballinger.
And there are also some new ones that make Ballinger memorable. For instance, the Cross. Let me know of any you remember that you would enjoy seeing on our blog.
Does anyone have a story to tell about the Texas Grill? I remember one time a girlfriend (who will remain nameless) and I were sitting at a booth, feeling very "grown up", smoking cigarettes and drinking Cokes. It was late and we had probably slipped out of the house. Imagine our surprise when suddenly, in walks my mother! I hardly ever got away with anything when I was growing up! Of course, I wasn't very good at hiding things. Like the time I threw a wet swimsuit in the dirty clothes hamper after a midnight swim in Ballinger Lake!
I think it was antics like these that made me such a good watchdog over my own children in their teens. My boys nicknamed me "The Detective".
There are so many landmarks, buildings, signs, and even businesses left over from our era. I believe they add to the flavor and nostalgia of the little town of Ballinger.

Does anyone have a story to tell about the Texas Grill? I remember one time a girlfriend (who will remain nameless) and I were sitting at a booth, feeling very "grown up", smoking cigarettes and drinking Cokes. It was late and we had probably slipped out of the house. Imagine our surprise when suddenly, in walks my mother! I hardly ever got away with anything when I was growing up! Of course, I wasn't very good at hiding things. Like the time I threw a wet swimsuit in the dirty clothes hamper after a midnight swim in Ballinger Lake!
I think it was antics like these that made me such a good watchdog over my own children in their teens. My boys nicknamed me "The Detective".
My daughter, Martha, says the same things about her teenaged girls--"I've been there before you, and I know everything you are going to try." Sure puts a damper on their activities, but she's a very good mother.
ReplyDeleteGood story, Marilyn.
Love, June
I don't know about anyone else but I'm enjoying your blog. I'll have to think of something to write. Keep it up and thanks for doing this.
ReplyDeleteJerry E. chiming in:
ReplyDeleteI'll try this and see how it works.
You're correct on the old location of the Grill. It was on the Hutchins side of the Texas and Daugherty's Drug was on the Railroad side. They were both actually within the theater building and of course went with the fire in or about 1962. I bought many a dime comic book through the drugstore window rack and sat through many coffee break conversations between Dad and R. D. Travis when their cars were the only ones parked on the street at night while work was being done.
I would guess that whoever questioned your memory on the location didn't know that the building that now has the Texas sign was the Palace theater back in those days and the Texas was across the street in the now vacant space. After a year of so in Dallas I had just come to appreciate that the Texas was actually a fairly nice theater on a small scale.